Example sentences of "[verb] to i is that " in BNC.

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1 All that matters to me is that this technology will save Carly 's life . ’
2 ‘ What this says to me is that the middle and upper classes are being taught how to control the machine , and the lower class is being controlled by it , ’ he said .
3 ‘ What I feel you are saying to me is that this previous relationship is something you do n't want to talk about in front of Tom .
4 But what you 're saying to me is that there are six double O ones and
5 The MAFF view given to me is that a detailed assessment in England and Wales would be extremely time consuming and costly , probably taking eight years to complete .
6 I went and told them , ‘ One way or another , what 's happened to me is that I 've been burgled … ’ .
7 Erm , well what your mum and dad said to me is that he gets very worried , het up , really tensed about doing things , that 's going , you know , things that are gon na happen , like just driving down to a different place , er and he get 's himse himself so het up , so worried , he makes himself ill , I think that 's what 's happened
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