Example sentences of "[verb] to be [indef pn] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 For each person is unique and it is useless as well as mistaken to try to be someone else .
2 In a water that is largely featureless it does n't need to be anything too pronounced to be attractive to fish .
3 One evening when they were coming back from the hunt , he pretended to be someone else and , all alone , jumped on Albuin pretending that he was going to steal by violence the horse Albuin was mounted on .
4 The majority of Rottweilers are kept as pets : this is a pigeon-hole Rottweilers do not fit into with ease ; there has to be something else .
5 It has to be something else .
6 There has to be something already in existence — a theory , a practice , an artefact — for criticism to have any purchase .
7 So the best source from which to obtain your ferrets has to be someone deeply committed to the animals , someone who keeps his own working and breeding stock and who from time to time may have a surplus .
8 Everyone wants to be somebody here and , once they are , they usually want to be somebody else .
9 I want to be something here I want to be something in law
10 Everyone wants to be somebody here and , once they are , they usually want to be somebody else .
11 I 'd just like to get off my ladder and stop pretending to be somebody else , just be ordinary and not get away with doing this or that — and get away with it laughing .
12 ‘ Mm — well , there does appear to be something there . ’
13 The cuts in the hand were superficial and there seemed to be nothing else wrong .
14 There seemed to be nothing else nowadays , and in any case Roland did not want to be thought insular .
15 There seemed to be nothing else to say .
16 At first there seemed to be nothing there , but as he watched the figure of a man emerged .
17 There seemed to be nothing now to hang the rest of her life on , and Alain had a very disturbing effect on her .
18 But there always seemed to be something else to be done about the farm .
19 There always seemed to be someone else to hand over to .
20 It 's vital that music in school is n't seen to be something entirely separate from what they are familiar with at home on TV .
21 The future is going to be one long , looped soundtrack , a disc that just plays on for ever .
22 And I suddenly realized at this stage that there was going to be something rather unexpected happening .
23 The gasoline bill at the end of the month is going to be something else ! ’
24 But there 's always going to be someone somewhere who will be fascinated by it and want to do something against you .
25 When I 'd checked the pin positions in the morning I 'd decided that it was going to be someone already under par who would be in a position to win next day as opposed to someone coming through the field , because I just could n't see anybody scoring well .
26 It is not going to be anyone high up from Grand Met . ’
27 Now , as well as actual planes flying in the skies , are there going to be anything else that people can actually feel and touch and see ?
28 Hank already had the feeling that his life was going to be anything but normal and was adamant about leaving school , but agreed reluctantly to tell his father when next he came home .
29 GOD KNOWS what they 're putting in the water in Seattle these days , but it 's got to be something pretty potent .
30 GOD KNOWS what they 're putting in the water in Seattle these days , but it 's got to be something pretty potent .
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