Example sentences of "[verb] to be a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Apple 's Macintosh , on the other hand , was designed to be a closed system with a rigidly defined hardware and software core that all developers could take advantage of .
2 A further specialized module , scheduled for docking in March 1990 , was intended to complete what was designed to be a multipurpose orbital complex for enhanced research in the fields of astrophysics , space biology , medicine and technology and the investigation of the Earth 's natural resources .
3 Designed to be a complete teaching package , Fanfare does not need to be supplemented by any additional material .
4 It is designed to be a first maths program for the younger user and is suitable for the 3 to 6 years age group , depending on the level of computer familiarity .
5 Er when development schemes are put before us , or put before districts , it is possible to er to include a scheme which is designed to be a calmer scheme and in fact we have our own advice notes on roads and res residential areas that we hope to advise developers on that .
6 The station was consciously designed to be a civic centre with a wide range of rooms including a theatre .
7 Both Jesus and Paul will say that marriage is designed to be a one-flesh lifelong relationship , but they both recognise the human realities .
8 self-chosen evidence of pupils ' thought and action in written , visual and taped form designed to be a self-selected commentary on the pupils ' character .
9 And it 's not designed to be a public meeting for anybody that come along and gives support and help would be more than welcome .
10 The story is designed to be a modern-day film noir .
11 Dataproducts Corp has released XP-1 , a print server designed to be an intelligent noder for Unix or DEC Ethernet networks : allowing multiple hosts to queue print jobs transparently across the network .
12 The essay should seek to be an objective discussion ; references to " I " do not lead to that impression .
13 His response to a Christian who might approach him with the request to convert to Hinduism would be to urge him to try to be a good Christian since the Gītā could offer him no more than the Bible .
14 If you know someone with HIV or AIDS , it is important to try to be a good friend to them .
15 None the less , it has concluded that if the backlog is to be eliminated there will need to be a similar increase in the recurrent baseline , which represents a substantial commitment of university funding .
16 The electorate did not need to be a democratic one , and as a general rule was not ; all that was needed was an electorate consisting of the men of substance , so that the government would be responsive to their choices .
17 Now obviously in a case like that there does n't really need to be a great deal of negotiation because obviously if it 's something being given ex gratia then really obviously people really ca n't be in a position to argue too much .
18 The report also suggest that there will need to be a greater commitment to wardening , monitoring and maintenance in future , if the situation is not to deteriorate again after the completion of repairs .
19 This will enable them to point out any of your obvious failings ( you do n't need to be a professional counsellor to realize when someone is mumbling or unprepared for certain questions ) .
20 Just very briefly , I think that erm the point Mr raised is a fair point and erm there may well need to be a good bit of clarification erm on on that .
21 Prognosis — not a punishingly long course , but you 'll need to be a good putter to break par ! .
22 there may need to be a separate contract dealing with specific services .
23 And so there does not need to be a separate provision made for numbers of concealed households .
24 You do n't need to be a first class embroiderer to create something beautiful and at the same time have lots of fun .
25 Use diagrams wherever possible You do n't need to be a graphic artist .
26 Moreover , the belief would not need to be a reasonable one .
27 Torture does not need to be a male preserve , she says .
28 They have the characteristic of being cross-disciplinary , which reminds us that the future of mental health planning and commissioning will need to be a joint effort .
29 Had n't he already described himself as ‘ a political animal ’ — ‘ and with £19.50p attendance money a day as a Sheffield councillor , on which I 'm dependent by the way , I 'd need to be a political animal . ’
30 With four months of the year already recording no increase , there will need to be a sharp rise in the remaining months to achieve that .
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