Example sentences of "[verb] to [be] [adj] way " in BNC.

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1 In the end there has to be some way of restructuring the mode of analysis to take account both of gender differences in role , status and resources within the family , and also outside it .
2 In other words , if this programme is to succeed there has to be some way of associating plain honest numbers with abstract operators .
3 ‘ I 'm sure there has to be some way round this , Mr Braithwaite .
4 There has to be some way to persuade people to enter before an event .
5 One thinks back to Morrissey in the early days and wonders why it has to be this way .
6 Immediate matters arising from the appointment of Louis Gerstner as the next chairman and chief executive of IBM Corp : Gerstner says he made three IBM executive decisions — all of them undisclosed — during the five-block walk from the Midtown Manhattan Hilton where the announcement of his appointment was made and IBM 's Madison Avenue offices ; and while many say that it has looked to be that way for most of this year , it seems that for a couple of days , IBM really will be leaderless , because John Akers says he will resign at today 's board meeting , and Gerstner is not due to take up his posts until Thursday .
7 So , I mean what I 'm saying is that I think we should have a league table if you like of , of attendances , I , I recognise that that may not be popular , but I think it 's going to be one way of sorting out those people who attend every opportunity , and sometimes just to pat an officer on the back .
8 all the way round , that 's about three times across and it 's got to be that way round , the all the way round , over how far across .
9 If you just deal with politics at a surface , organizational level , you never understand how things have got to be this way .
10 Well yes , yes in terms it sounds mos most confusing compared with a straightforward business world but if , if , if the campaign are saying that it 's got to be this way for legal reasons they 're not prepared to accept it .
11 So there 's got to be some way round it . ’
12 A lot of modern art has tended to be that way , often abstract art , that people think is meaningless , is in fact full of very serious messages if only people are willing to listen to them .
13 But it does n't have to be that way .
14 Now I was beginning to see that it did n't necessarily have to be that way .
15 It does not have to be that way .
16 ‘ But does it have to be that way ? ’
17 But it did n't have to be that way , when you were in love .
18 It does n't have to be this way .
19 It does n't have to be this way .
20 Britain is over-producing : there will have to be some way of reducing output .
21 But I considered myself to be unattractive , and in becoming so thin as to render myself totally undesirable sexually , I was saying , ‘ I may be unattractive , but this is because I choose to be this way . ’
22 It 's meant to be that way .
23 In fact Devon appeared to be some way behind other areas of the country in the 1960s and 1970s .
24 ‘ Look — ’ There did not seem to be any way of wrapping it up .
25 She was n't sure about the ‘ and so on ’ , but there did n't seem to be any way out of it without being churlish .
26 The time was taken to be half way through the interval incorporating the change — for example , for a child in whom fluid was reported at year 3 but not at years 4 and 5 the fluid survival time was estimated to be 3.5 years .
27 It had to be that way .
28 But there must be some way — there had to be some way of getting news .
29 There had to be some way of putting an end to his domineering activities .
30 There had to be some way to break out of it and get back to reality .
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