Example sentences of "[verb] to [pron] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps he had believed he was to go with the main reconnaissance party , and having written his last letter did not like to write to me again to cause me what he thought would be further confusion and anxiety .
2 ( 3 ) The Director may by notice in writing require the person under investigation or any other person to produce at such place as may be specified in the notice and either forthwith or at such time as may be so specified any specified documents which appear to the Director to relate to any matter relevant to the investigation or any documents of a specified description which appear to him so to relate ; and — ( a ) if any such documents are produced , the Director may — ( i ) take copies or extracts from them ; ( ii ) require the person producing them to provide an explanation of any of them ; ( b ) if any such documents are not produced , the Director may require the person who was required to produce them to state , to the best of his knowledge and belief , where they are .
3 You can appeal to them never to say or do things which they would be ashamed for you to know . ’
4 Currently he has two museum shows running in Europe devoted to his famously demanding — in terms of sheer weight and mass — sculptures .
5 Questions can be very controlling : for instance– ‘ Why do n't we go out ? ’ means that the answer has to he well reasoned out .
6 None of what 's been happening to her lately has sat well with her temperament .
7 But to present the full scenario and then vote er on the the different items er so that voting is done on items on the amendment before we then proceed er if you want to we just have to go to amendments to that because of course no two amendments can be on the floor at the same time .
8 When I was working at British Airways we used to do a lot of technical training and erm it was sort of on er airline regulation , stuff like that and you could always tell the activists cos they did n't really want to all they wanted to do was to get on the computers and actually trying out things out themselves , they piece of furniture the activists do n't want to read the instructions , they want to start putting it together and then they 'd learn from actually putting it together rather than them reading the instructions and regulation training you could always tell the activist cos they sort of always like chopping every bit , they just want to they just want to get on the computers and start inputting numbers and they 'll actually learn , they , they prefer to do that and then somebody can come round and help them out when they get into trouble rather than some of the other which perhaps like to more up front and that 's the activist .
9 If men want to they usually do . ’
10 Just want to I just want a that will do me
11 It was almost at this moment , too , that the door was thrust open and the indignant lady stood within it and in a loud voice proclaimed in her most officious manner : ‘ When you have come to yourself enough to apologise , Peggy , I 'll see you upstairs in my room .
12 We have not come to you before to ask for people , but we are asking for people now .
13 Page , as it is always known , remains enthralled by the country , returning to it frequently to photograph and document the Vietnamese struggle to return to normality .
14 I tried to I probably made myself a bit of a nuisance when I came in last time but ,
15 Identifying strengths needs to relate to what actually goes on with children and their learning and not to neglected or under used physical resources .
16 Nor is it so regular that we can trust to it altogether to fix the exact date of any given work .
17 Er , when he comes off tonight just after two hours , say to him now do n't drop off !
18 They have become devalued as people in their own right and everything that happens to them subsequently serves to reinforce this impression .
19 Before , we were just listening to everybody else telling us to keep on playing and carry on doing this and that , but that was really just because they were afraid we were going to be a flash in the pan .
20 Rachel was almost shaking herself , studying his face , listening to his softly spoken words , and her heart was pounding fiercely ; she felt fear and excitement flooding her and she knew she could not match him — not tonight , not with the strain she was under .
21 But it was good just to lie in the darkness , curled against him , listening to his even breathing , and know this was just the first night of the rest of their lives .
22 Julia sat , listening to his carefully controlled breathing , feeling his arm tense against her .
23 It means , it 's the new system where as you 're driving along , whatever you 're listening to it automatically interrupts to tell you of any urgent road delays .
24 The same adjectives which had applied to everything else applied to the flat .
25 Listen to what just happened . ’
26 Listen to it again make sure you get it .
27 I bet that Terry Waite was praying his head off and he 'd memorised masses of the bible which he would be reciting to himself probably said he thought two o'clock every afternoon I 'll remember what I can of Book of Isaiah you know .
28 Mm , mm its one of the great arguments from the old fashioned sort of religion , that you could turn , you could definitely turn to people and say why are you leaning on me so hard , for all this to fought , you ought to be reading your bible , saying your prayers , going to church and getting in touch with the boss why I laughed when they were saying that Terry Waite would need counselling , I bet that Terry Waite was praying his head off and he 'd memorised masses of the bible which he would be reciting to himself probably set himself two o'clock every afternoon , I remember what I can , book of you know I do n't suppose he 'd needed any counselling , he 'd probably do better counselling other people .
29 Common sense suggests that a person who submits to an act only because he believes that otherwise he will be over-powered and have it done to him anyway does not consent in law , even though the force necessary to overpower him will be small and non-injurious . ’
30 she says she says to me just take thirty pound , the , there were , I think there 's about seven quid that belongs to their bed , well their bed was bloody horrible to pay
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