Example sentences of "[verb] have [vb pp] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Adding two hours to the period within which night visits may be claimed has caused a clear rise in claims , and this accounts for most , but not all , of the increase observed since the 1990 contract .
2 Sir John enjoyed the Thatcher party ; Sir Denys has suffered a Major hangover .
3 Officers went to Doncaster to interview a lorry driver after he reported having seen a young girl whose appearance was similar to Moira 's , in the company of two other lorry drivers the day after the Lanarkshire schoolgirl disappeared .
4 All reported having had a wonderful day and causing much comment and amusement wherever they went .
5 Agencies then had to develop procedures for the implementation of PPB by the end of December 1965 By 1 April 1966 agencies were expected to have developed a comprehensive , multi-year programme and financial plan .
6 The Gothic , a more formidable opponent , might have been expected to have had a greater impact on the depiction of fictional living space .
7 Windows for Workgroup drivers will be delivered as part of a forthcoming PC-NFS release , said to be ‘ imminent , ’ by which time Microsoft is expected to have released an updated version of Workgroup for Windows with a patch for PC-NFS support .
8 You certainly appear to have reached a major turning point in your career and must now think about severing unprofitable ties .
9 During their travels they appear to have developed a black variety which became extremely popular , perhaps because its natural nocturnal camouflage assisted it to become a more efficient mouser and ratter .
10 Some other forces throughout the region , if they even thought about it , appear to have turned a blind eye .
11 Rising import prices — especially in the early 1970s — appear to have played an important part in the acceleration of price rises [ Blackaby , 1979 ] .
12 So what a monumental shock to find that with ‘ Ultra Violet ’ they appear to have undergone a massive personality switch and , hey presto !
13 The interchange of routes between operators complicates analysis , but operators in South Wales also appear to have made a net loss of some 12 per cent of mileage since 1939 .
14 I appear to have strayed a long way from our original topic .
15 The conditions he encountered in these other counties however , appear to have left a deeper , and darker , impression on his mind .
16 The Rhineland potters who now supplied Britain with samian , but on a much reduced scale , appear to have had a limited figure repertoire .
17 ‘ You two appear to have had a good time , ’ Maggie said with a smile .
18 As for those countries who live under a non-religious dictatorship and are officially atheist , they appear to have learned a few things from the Inquisition .
19 Consultants Travers ' Morgan appear to have used a 1000 link computer model in the analysis for Serpell .
20 Moreover , the preliminary decisions of the Commission as to the admissibility of two cases submitted by British tax-protesters appear to have dealt a fatal blow to any remaining hopes that the European Court of Human Rights might be used as an additional forum in which to exert pressure for a change in the existing law and policy regarding tax diversion .
21 Many also claimed to have seen a banana-shaped object in the sky , and a characteristic illuminated sign . ’
22 Whereas a woman who dies before her husband is considered to have made a good death and her body is decked in a married woman 's finery , one who survives her husband is somehow always blamed for his death and must never put on finery again as a penance .
23 No patient in this group could be considered to have had a successful and uneventful procedure .
24 A group of People 's Liberation Army ( PLA ) officers was reported to have formed a secret group backing the reinstatement of the former party chief , Zhao Ziyang .
25 On May 13 UK Royal Marines were reported to have killed an Iraqi soldier and wounded two others during a series of military skirmishes near Sarsank , in the north of the country .
26 Birkenhead , the chairman of the committee , which had produced rather limp conclusions , is reported to have broken an awed silence to announce that if the Prime Minister spoke to the House as he had just spoken to the Cabinet he would do so with unanimous support and triumphant outcome .
27 The landlady is reported to have seen a red stain on the ceiling of one room.She called the police , and they found the body .
28 In March 1989 Vietnam was reported to have repaid a token $5,000,000 in outstanding debts to the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) , in an attempt to secure fresh international aid .
29 The industry-backed " Competitiveness Council " , chaired by US Vice-President Dan Quayle , was reported to have played a key role in influencing Administration policy .
30 Maung Hla , a Myanma military commander in charge of border operations , was reported to have told a Thai delegation in Myawadi on Jan. 3 , 1990 , that the Myanma government was determined to " wipe out " insurgents operating along the Thai-Myanma border .
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