Example sentences of "[verb] have be [vb pp] by " in BNC.

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1 A PLAN to draw up registers of land which may be polluted has been abandoned by the Scottish Secretary , Ian Lang , writes Auslan Cramb .
2 An estimate of how well the non-crystallographic fivefold symmetry is conserved has been made by applying an exact fivefold rotation for a given atom and determining the r.m.s.d. from the observed positions .
3 The desire to diversify has been prompted by a need to boost dwindling profit margins in an increasingly competitive traditional banking sector .
4 1982 No. 1676 ) ) regulating the practice on appeal to the Judicial Committee , an appeal from the Court of Appeal of New Zealand can be entertained only if leave to appeal has been granted by that court or if special leave has been granted by Her Majesty in Council .
5 The courtyard thus formed has been adopted by the Manx government who intent to develop it as a garden area .
6 Abolition of the right to silence has been rejected by Parliament on a number of occasions , most recently when the Police and Criminal Evidence Act was enacted .
7 This too uses analysis and synthesis : analysis if the discovery to be checked has been made by synthesis , synthesis if it was made by analysis .
8 The deterioration to be expected has been analysed by the author , and results for the 80/20 case are given here .
9 Some of what they found has been reclaimed by its owners but there 's plenty left .
10 A Brigade statement said : ‘ The decision to disband has been taken by the leadership and will prevent any members reforming under any other name . ’
11 She used to repeat the expression on attend pas mieux , through tight lips , in relation to any misdemeanour reported to have been committed by a Jew .
12 The first of these was the Greek tanker Filikon L , reported to have been attacked by an Iraqi aircraft .
13 A civilization that never invented the wheel was automatically precluded from inventing the mechanical clock , but in fact neither the sundial nor the water-clock appear to have been developed by the Maya for measuring the passage of time .
14 Some of those qualities appear to have been inherited by Frederick 's youngest son Herbert and , as already mentioned , some of them may have been present in Frederick 's uncle William .
15 ‘ The minds of many of these young offenders appear to have been numbed by greed and indifference to violence ’ , asserted one MP as he condemned ‘ the parents , indifferent to their children and utterly without social conscience ’ .
16 And God have split from their former record label Beggars Banquet in protest at the poor quality level of the new Charlatans LP and appear to have been joined by Neil from LOOP , who 's playing second bass for them .
17 And God have split from their former record label Beggars Banquet in protest at the poor quality level of the new Charlatans LP and appear to have been joined by Neil from LOOP , who 's playing second bass for them .
18 These conclusions appear to have been replicated by York ( 1989 ) , who finds that community workers express more satisfaction and effectiveness in their short-term projects , which are more directive and task-oriented , than in their long-term projects .
19 The principal aim of this study will be to assess the extent to which police conduct and decision making in a number of areas appear to have been influenced by the Police and Criminal Evidence Act ( 1984 ) .
20 As far as is known , very few people in Islay kept a diary at that time and in those which have survived the entries are short and appear to have been inspired by the prospect of emigration or a return to their native heath by one who had spent many years abroad .
21 As far as is known , very few people in Islay kept a diary at that time and in those which have survived the entries are short and appear to have been inspired by the prospect of emigration or a return to their native heath by one who had spent many years abroad .
22 Only the sediments of the carbonate mud wedges appear to have been affected by late leaching because of their proximity to organic-rich basin plain deposits .
23 Their reputations as major artists appear to have been confirmed by their strong showing ( see captions ) .
24 The riots appear to have been precipitated by an apparently casual incident when a Meskhetian angrily tipped over a table of strawberries being sold by an Uzbek girl .
25 In the 1695 Election support for the war was the major national issue , but most election contests appear to have been dominated by local rivalries and concerns , and in fact there was relatively little controversial pamphleteering at this time , despite the recent expiry of the Licensing Act .
26 But in the meantime , in a week when Irish singles appear to have been released by the crateload , the ‘ Uncertain ’ EP is the real trophy .
27 SCIENTISTS have launched an investigation into the fate of partridges which appear to have been harmed by the increasing amount of land being set aside by farmers and allowed to lie fallow .
28 The army absorbed most of the Scottish gentry who hoped to make their living from the sword , but there were also many Scots in the Royal Navy and Royal Marines , and those who entered the senior service appear to have been attracted by the substantial advantages which the navy had over the army for a gentleman of limited means .
29 Both Lower and Upper Mills appear to have been worked by a single miller , both presumably owned by the Prouts .
30 The only occasion upon which they appear to have been considered by this court was in Reg. v. McNiff [ 1986 ] Crim.L.R. 57 , in respect of which we have been helpfully provided with a transcript of the judgment .
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