Example sentences of "[verb] have [verb] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 There are , however , many who call themselves Marxists , who appear to have rejected entirely the whole problematic of dependency .
2 During negotiations between Syria and Israel the head of the Syrian delegation , Muwaffaq al-Allaf , was reported to have raised immediately the issue of UN Resolution 242 , stating that Israel continued to distort the interpretation of the resolution by claiming that it did not demand a withdrawal from the occupied territories .
3 The English boy showed the others all the implements and products I had collected for cleaning and disinfecting , telling them I had a mania for cleanliness , and I 'd once decided to wash all his clothes and he 'd had to stay indoors the whole day .
4 The employment opportunities for working-class girls — whether in factory work or in domestic service — would not appear to have excited either the same sympathy or alarm .
5 The war seemed to have swept away the slightly homosexual attitudes of that corner of the pub , for which Charles was thankful , though not feeling particularly able for the brittle heterosexual backchat around him this evening .
6 They were further charged with stealing a motor-cycle combination on which they are said to have carried away the safe .
7 Yields of Texas ' 36MHz SuperSparc implementation , due to feature in the Model 30 , have n't been as high or as good as yields on a 33MHz part , so Sun , under pressure to get Sparc 10 systems out of the door , is thought to have put together the Model 20 to take advantage of this opportunity .
8 ‘ I seem to have got entirely the wrong end of the stick this afternoon , ’ she said sadly .
9 The oubreak of violence in March and China 's subsequent military crackdown in Tibet seem to have extinguished even the faintest hopes of a negotiated settlement in the near future .
10 Streamline has swept away the cobwebs from the English class .
11 As we have seen , Pauline thought appears to have altered dramatically the attitudes and orientation of Simon Peter .
12 Certainly in the fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries no other kadilik approached the status of those of Istanbul , Bursa and Edirne — none appears to have attained even the status achieved by Damascus and Aleppo in the sixteenth century — and it therefore seems fairly certain that the 300 akce a day given to the kadis of the three Ottoman capitals represented the highest allowances given to any kadi at that period .
13 This means that the initial state of the universe would have to have had exactly the same temperature everywhere in order to account for the fact that the microwave background has the same temperature in every direction we look .
14 Working against time , David Whitaker is believed to have put together the first of his two fifty page scripts in one afternoon taking the opportunity to introduce viewers further to the characters of the Doctor , Ian , Barbara and Susan , and to make more known about the TARDIS space/time ship .
15 The tablets did n't seem to have had even the slightest effect .
16 I have no doubt that those same consumers , when exercising their choice about what to buy , will want to be absolutely sure that products imported to the United Kingdom have had to undergo precisely the same levels of checks and monitoring as products exported from the United Kingdom .
17 To avoid creating a new problem I have had to shorten slightly the northward move of the Clerk Street stop .
18 On the subject of the Pierre Matisse purchase he noted that less than half the collection had been sold but that Sotheby 's had recouped both the cost and associated taxes already .
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