Example sentences of "[verb] in what [modal v] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 He was living in what would traditionally be described as reduced circumstances .
2 We are living in what may well come to be known as the age of the American soprano , with Norman , Studer , Millo , Vaness , Hendricks , Battle , Bonney and Upshaw all doing conspicuously well for themselves on disc .
3 In carbonates preferential solution of some grain types ( e.g. Harris & kendall , 1986 ) occurs in what would otherwise appear to be a chemically homogeneous sediment .
4 Regions of the old DDR have been subsumed into the new federal states of Germany , and many of the sources are housed in what must now be called the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin , Preussischer Kulturbesitz — a name that in itself sums up the problems of uniting the two Germanies .
5 Nevertheless , the City Council has behaved in what can only be described as a lax , sluggish and offhand manner towards one of the few private initiatives at the very centre of Dutch cultural life .
6 To her horror , Folly saw Luke nod and turn away down the corridor , leaving her alone with this sinister whispering woman who seemed to take it for granted that she was meekly going to strip off and join in what could only be some kind of orgy .
7 Indeed , the size of the increases , together with the publication of the Kinsey Report in 1948 ( which suggested that homosexual behaviour was more widespread than had been commonly thought ) and the media-highlighted prosecution of Lord Montagu of Beaulieu on an indecency charge in 1954 , culminated in what may reasonably be described as a ‘ moral panic ’ over homosexuality .
8 One of the companies involved in what can only be described as the latest round of unity talks among the warring Unix camps , which appear to be being sponsored by Unix International Inc , says that for all the fear , uncertainty and doubt unleashed by Microsoft Corp with Windows NT , the initiative still lacks the compulsion that galvanised the part of the industry — led by those that saw Unix primarily as a threat — to form the Open Software Foundation five years ago .
9 One of the companies involved in what can only be described as the latest round of unity talks that Unix International seems to be sponsoring ( UX No 423 , 424 ) says that for all the fear , uncertainty and doubt unleashed by Microsoft Corp , the project still lacks the compulsion that galvanized the industry to form the Open Software Foundation five years ago .
10 Patriotism and religion combined in what must surely be one of the most emotional reactions of the Greeks to the impact of an alien society .
11 Portions of the ACL/DCI are currently being distributed with more to follow in what will eventually be a 100 million word collection .
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