Example sentences of "[verb] in [noun sg] and it " in BNC.

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1 Her shoulders sagged in defeat and it became clear to the watching man that she accepted their veracity .
2 The meat does not become tough as it would in conventional steaming , as it is not being immersed in water and it is gentle pressureless steam .
3 It happens in religion and it happens in politics .
4 Last night more than eight thousand fans packed into Edgar Street to watch United beat non-league Woking in their third round replay … it was one-all after ninety minutes … the winning goal came in extra-time and it was scored by Simon Brain …
5 I fear it is a transfer made in desperation and it could put Ferguson under real pressure .
6 Certainly information can be easily conveyed in BSL and it functions to a marked degree as an effective socialisation agent in deaf children whose parents are fluent in the language .
7 The roots of the law of confidence lie in equity and it is almost entirely case law .
8 A music group adds to the variety of music used in worship and it may help a congregation to experiment and explore new possibilities .
9 However erm one thing I think that 's got to be borne in mind and it picks up a point that erm Leeds have made , is that they 're looking towards trendy migration , they say .
10 The goods were damaged in transit and it was held that the seller was in breach of his duty under section 32(2) and the buyer was entitled to reject the goods .
11 Generally , safety and quality requirements should be communicated in writing and it may be appropriate to request a written acknowledgement of receipt .
12 Chesarynth was drowning in light and it had a message .
13 This brought the first laughs in court and it ended the day 's proceedings .
14 The uncles had looked after her when she was young , then her professor and Hans Kramer and Busacher had begun her on her career , and then she had fallen in love and it had all gone wrong .
15 Most of the Lourdes visitors journey in faith and it is the whole process that becomes a blessing to them .
16 I could turn convict , he thought , and live in prison and it would n't matter then about a job or all the things ahead that looks so unpromising .
17 But it was only when Susato began to publish at Antwerp in 1543 that their songs appeared in quantity and it was Susato who really launched Crecquillon with a book of 36 chansons à 4 parties in 1543 , though he had published Crecquillon 's greatest hit , ‘ Ung gay bergier ’ , in a miscellaneous collection the year before .
18 And they had the time worked out for every policeman the length of time he was allowed to travel from court to home and back again and you added that time to the time you were engaged in court and it was worked out to the minute — worked out officially how long it took the tram .
19 The side facing the river is completely overgrown and littered with rubbish , a sad sight for a place so steeped in history and it is hoped that at some future date a little dignity will return to these remains .
20 Literally this was not so , since the emergency procedures of the Civil Contingency Unit were kept in being and it felt able to cope with almost every dispute other than that of council grave-diggers .
21 This situation is rarely achieved in practice and it is useful to know the form of the molar mass distribution in a sample , as this can have a significant bearing on the physical properties .
22 I begin dieting again ; I want to feel in control and it is a way to avoid the terrifying meal times .
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