Example sentences of "[verb] a [noun sg] and they " in BNC.

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1 And if , somebody knows that they really , really want a child and they want it themselves and they do n't necessarily want a third person , then that it absolutely fantastic !
2 If you write a spreadsheet for somebody else , you might be using a sixty six megahertz four eight six duel processor erm , spaceship , and , somebody is using a steam driven I B M A T or something , and it runs quite acceptably on your machine , a reasonable speed , and you give it to somebody else on that steam driven thing , and it takes ages to do anything , and er , you press a button and they wait half an hour sort of thing .
3 If the display contains a short written piece by the teacher giving a little background about its purpose and merits then attention of visitors and others has a focus and they can join in fully with the celebration .
4 They had met a challenge and they 'd succeeded , indeed we all need them .
5 The lads arrive at the local nick to find their Houdini pa has done a bunk and they wander about the country trying to locate him , pitching up in a one horse Long Island seaside town .
6 ‘ We wait a while and they just go away .
7 Mr Morraine fetched a net and they began to throw it at him .
8 When the train pulled into Amien 's Street Station , Patrick had asked the man — who did n't volunteer a name and they did n't ask — where they were going .
9 But a cooker 's no problem because I know you can go into the Electricity Board and say I 'm moving into a new property , I have n't got a cooker and they would , you can get them .
10 they were having one here as well and erm they booked it for the day and they were staying there overnight , cos they were , they 've got a house and they were gon na let guests stay at their house and while they stayed up there and then
11 Now if you say to me , this is I go back to my work fare , If you 're talking about the the young kids of of sixteen or who 've left school , have n't got a job and they say , Well I want my my welfare benefit .
12 Then they grows a lot and they all break .
13 If they did report a rape and they 'd told him the woman opposite , at the top last night er , next week come back .
14 And erm they 've done their teeth and they 've had a wash and they 've done everything really so all you 've got to do is get them in there .
15 I mean today they do , they plaster a wall and they
16 Now I ca n't remember which English player it was , either Bobby Moore or Norman Hunter , I think it was Norman Hunter because he played for Leeds , but they made a mistake and they scored a breakaway goal .
17 So for all these journalists to cry foul because they 're not being given a plane and they 're not being allowed to fly in — I think that 's just a bunch of bullshit .
18 ‘ They 'd both like to see a reconciliation and they certainly have no plans for divorce .
19 was getting really cross and was beginning to call the police over she just produced a card and they just throw it and said this means nothing to me , this means nothing to me , cover your head and she just laughed at them and walked away , but he , he pounced on a Filipino girl who was actually wearing jeans , and socks and said her jeans were too short
20 Er they supported me and canvassed for me when I was putting up , but I ca n't see them going , whereas I can remember the erm the when I was a child going to the , we used to have a fete and it was a politically , I ca n't remember exactly what it would be called , but I know mother and the Guild were always there making the tea and got a stall and they were always in the forefront and they 'd always got their rosettes on .
21 You do something well and they 're cheering you , but you make a mistake and they are on your back .
22 I was sweltering , I was wearing a t-shirt and they were out you know with jumpers on and all sorts .
23 there 's a system there with a , a bone , every time you move that you 'd move a bone and they 'd go down
24 ‘ One train a week and they told me the wrong day .
25 When I die they can perform an autopsy and they will find that I have never ever taken an illegal substance .
26 Her husband became an alcoholic and they had to put him away in a clinic . ’
27 and he was saying a month and they 'd laid him off and he ca n't back into Wrexham Hospital !
28 They managed to flag a taxi and they piled in amid a lot of shouting and general drunken bonhomie .
29 And so he got space to build a house and they began it began this part in thirteen sixty although it 's clear that there was an earlier house here , perhaps built at the time when they first got the back in the eleven seventies .
30 And then she would listen to them read , well this is what they finished with they 'd have a book and they 'd take it up and she 'd listen to one line !
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