Example sentences of "[verb] a [noun] but they " in BNC.

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1 Oh no , they could have a sho , er they have , they agree they 've got a say but they just feel that everything is decided so what is the point ?
2 yeah and the girls that serve in there , there 's three girls that serve in there , one works in the kitchen actually helping with the food , but the other two serve at the tables , they 've all got A levels but they ca n't get jobs
3 They tell you you 've got a letter but they 've sent it back .
4 ‘ They like a drink but they have a weird attitude to anything else . ’
5 Kermit and his staff watched and waited — they were expecting a blow but they did not or could not comprehend how severe it was to be .
6 Well they needed a lot but they especially if they were in a confined space .
7 Again early in the second half he was just wide , but after 49 minutes he did succeed when not only did Wakefield collapse a scrum but they were also offside .
8 There are many ways to grab a person but they are all to be avoided for two reasons .
9 When you walked into the well what I would call a cupboard but they classed it as the bathroom .
10 What I hear , people talk to me , took a time but they do , is that the Front was just a vehicle for him , that there were no deeply held principles in it , more that he was in love with the danger , the risk of arrest .
11 Activists also like they love the opportunity in training to have a go but they do like getting involved , they like a action .
12 whether they send people on a course , whether they send people on a course because they 're long term unemployed and having finished the course then do n't get a job but they are no longer long term unemployed .
13 about that , I think you 've got a totally illiterate person , no doubt Actually she said nine tenths certain going to get an Amiga but they might get an Atari .
14 They seldom had a conversation but they arranged things together : things like my life .
15 They ca n't stand on one leg and then they 're waggling their foot about and missing the ball all together and you think anyone can kick a ball but they ca n't but then they get better at it .
16 The other area we that we explored in some depth was er whether the the library room could be combined to library or to library , but we 've left it to them to make a decision but they appear to have so decided that there is a mixed pattern emerged .
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