Example sentences of "[verb] and give [pers pn] a " in BNC.

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1 Baptiste , run and ask your mother to come and give me a hand , would you ?
2 " Perhaps you would be ready to come and give me a fitting on Friday afternoon ? "
3 No because our training is such that there is n't the officers just would not come into that bedroom at all because there is a threat in there and I 'm dealing with that threat and unless I specifically call for another officer to come and give me a hand there is no need to come in and in fact if anybody had 've done they 'd have been told to get out because I 've got a problem there and that 's my problem .
4 If in pain control , you were in control of your own pain , you have less than if it were a set wait every four hours for us to come and give you a tablet .
5 Before she could move back , he bent and gave her a light , lingering kiss on her mouth .
6 We feed you , keep you warm and give you a roof over your head .
7 Of the two passengers , both women , one had turned and given them a glare , the other pretended nothing was going on .
8 Such information was not highly ‘ theoretical ’ but it helped build up an objective picture of the people who went to the theatres I studied and gave me a useful corrective to people who made sweeping generalizations such as ‘ the theatre is for everyone . ’
9 The original wall survives at the base to a greater degree than we had realised and gives us a substantial footing .
10 The ‘ sheriff ’ came out and said that Customs wanted us to fly to Darwin for clearance , but we begged for mercy and he let us stay and gave us a ride to a lodge in the police wagon .
11 Five minutes later , an Arab in a small blue van stopped and gave me a few kilos of tangerines .
12 Wilson found it hard to believe Mr Landor had ever written poetry , that he had ever been judged a great poet , but Miss Blagden , who had moved into the Casa Guidi for the winter , swore that he had been much admired and gave her a whole list of his published works .
13 I turned and gave him a wave , ‘ Do n't wait up for me , I may be late . ’
14 And I was walking away , and turned and gave him a great kick , you know , right in his balls , and I said , ‘ Come on then ’ , took a mad fit , you know , and I
15 Before disappearing through the brick arch she turned and gave him a final smile and a wave .
16 Julius turned and gave her a faint smile .
17 But , when he turned and gave her a warm , infectious grin , she found it difficult not to smile back at him .
18 The man turned and gave me a friendly nod , before taking up a small piece of wood with pencil markings on it .
19 In the doorway Battler turned and gave me a final beam for good measure , then they were gone .
20 At the door he turned and gave me a last despairing look and I saw him no more .
21 The first jog round the block got his heart racing and gave him an appetite .
22 The suggested starting point was that , if a lad is coming out of Deerbolt , Father Patrick lets his area youth worker know and gives him a contact address for the worker and they go from there .
23 Stefan grunted and gave him a sharp look .
24 Er , I 've had a word with Jeremy about decorating , oh Florrie I must apologise I did try to ring you , I think I managed to get everybody else , erm but you were n't there , in and then I , I left it I regret to say , erm but we thought perhaps we ought to have the kitchen re-decorated and I 've had a word with Jereminy , Jereminy , Jeremy and he says about two hundred pounds and I did get permission from some of you and I 've gone ahead and asked him to do it and he said about three weeks , but before we can have that done , in the meantime , the roof leaked again out in the kitchen Erm , so I 've had a word with Peter who was going on holiday and he should be home this week and he said he will look at it as soon as he 's home , so I 'll give him a ring , I 'll try tomorrow night , I 'm out tonight , I 'll try and give him a ring tomorrow .
25 We 're going to make use of this moonless period , but we 'll try and give you a practice run over the ladder before the big night .
26 ‘ I 'll try and give you an example .
27 Let me try and give you an example .
28 So I 'll try and give you an idea some time tomorrow morning of the of the situation .
29 It is very much appreciated and gives us a competitive advantage .
30 The dark-haired vibrancer caught him staring and gave him a withering look .
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