Example sentences of "[verb] and [that] [pron] [be] " in BNC.

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1 I told him not to worry and that I was quite impressed and would be interested in managing the band .
2 I 'd told her not to worry and that he was one of the lads , although I 'd never seen him before , and we were just waiting for her to go before we started the party .
3 Lucy said , looking up at her , and right at that moment Josie would have sworn that some kind of a facade had dropped and that she was returning the gaze of a six year-old .
4 I believe that that is what parents want and that it is the best way to ensure that children are taught the essentials .
5 Like most of the professionals , they believe that sport and politics should not be mixed and that they are victims of a situation over which they have no control .
6 Basically that it 's there to be enjoyed and that it is only when you enjoy it that you play at your best — I always enjoy my cricket .
7 The republican Health Ministry reported on May 27 that since the start of the conflict 5,190 people had died or were missing and 18,400 people had been wounded and that there were 580,000 displaced persons and 640,000 refugees .
8 She had to know that he had considered and that he was committed by his reply .
9 The finished result will be a Fortran-90 mathematical library tool that NAG will likely market and that it is hoped will encourage the use of parallel machines in non-linear programming such as scheduling , planning and optimisation .
10 One result of my illness has been to change all that : When you are faced with the possibility of an early death , it makes you realize that life is worth living and that there are lots of things you want to do .
11 Yamaha should take solace from the thought that Senna was bitching about the power of the new V12 Honda , later saying he had been misquoted and that there was ‘ nothing fundamentally wrong ’ with the new Honda .
12 Colin MacLeod , chairman and owner of Nottinghamshire-based Caledonian Mining , which competed against the consortium for the pit , said : ‘ There has been far too much in the press about the poor miners being done and that we were the big bad boys coming up to take over .
13 You are entitled to be paid for the proportion of the work that you have done and that it was reasonable for you to do .
14 It was n't until a physiotherapist found a vertical tear in the hamstring that they had to admit I was injured and that there was nothing wrong with my motivation .
15 Zander found that a large number of payments in were accepted and that it was a tactic well used by defendants .
16 On some cases yes because I was always told this man he that used to come and he was so clean looking and that he was a barber .
17 On Sept 25 , 1989 , a Swiss inquest found that Barschel , who had been found dead in a Geneva hotel room in October 1987 shortly after he had been forced to resign as Minister President of Schleswig-Holstein , had died of a drugs overdose and that there was no evidence to suggest that he had been murdered .
18 Whilst the two rituals are not normally linked together , it does seem from close examination that they are connected and that they are , in analytical terms , in fact opposite sides of the same coin .
19 If someone is asked a question and replies yes or no it will be understood that the question is now answered and that there is nothing more to be said .
20 And then suddenly , just as Artemis felt Buttons was beginning to tire and that she was regaining control , as they topped a hill and began the run down the opposite side , a hedge loomed up in front of her , divided by a solid looking five-bar gate which was firmly closed .
21 It 's your job to ensure that all difficulties are minimised and that everyone is as happy as can be . ’
22 Fagin inspected the handkerchieves and told the two boys that they were extremely well made and that he was very pleased with their work .
23 ‘ We have always believed that Abu-Baker was assassinated and that it was not an ordinary robbery , ’ he said .
24 Then reality returned with a rush as she suddenly realised that the music had stopped and that they were the only couple still left on the floor .
25 It seems that these were received and that he was able to continue his Old Testament translations until the very end , reaching the Book of Jonah .
26 if it is to be arranged and that you 're dealt with at another court Crown Court will have to arrange that .
27 To say whether they feel the things that that they like to see and that we 're not doing .
28 You may think , for example , that this type does not exist and that it is inaccessible , not human , and that there is no such person as this , that it is utopian .
29 An X-ray showed that 's lungs had n't fully matured and that he was suffering respiratory distress syndrome .
30 I told him that we were n't eating and that we were n't paying the rent — almost destitute .
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