Example sentences of "[verb] and [vb mod] be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 By the time the latrine needs emptying again , in about 15 years , the sludge will have decomposed and can be dug out and spread on neighbouring farms .
2 As a result of the problems of lead piping and the other problems mentioned by my hon. Friend relating to the privatisation of the public utilities , the Tory empire will shortly fall and will be replaced by a proper representative Government of the British people .
3 Should take two hours to freeze and should be worked with a wooden spoon from time to time . "
4 A school with , for example , a difficult second year might need and could be offered a selection from in-service training for staff , an analysis/assessment exercise focused on the whole or particular parts of the school , a support teacher for particular departments , some kind of on-site unit , some share in off-site provision .
5 Roof panels had also distorted and must be replaced .
6 The whole day 's spectacle was an affirmation that a common history mattered and would be maintained .
7 Homework was changed in mid-stream but was definitely expected and would be completed .
8 The sexual aspects of adult life are immensely varied and will be considered in more detail as we come to think of the client groups with which social workers deal .
9 Information on spatial units , where relevant , are also included and may be used as search terms .
10 The words and such further ancillary rights that arise under the general law or by necessary implication should be included and could be expanded to include ancillary rights that arise by necessity
11 A marking sheet will also be included and should be completed and included in the envelope ( parcel ) with the Student 's written papers , and the sheet with the final grades awarded by the Tutor .
12 This leaflet is accurate at the date of printing but will be superseded and should be disregarded if specifications and/or appearance are changed in the interest of continued improvement .
13 First , because the 20pc increase in incomes has been widely reported and may be used to give a misleading impression .
14 The event has and will be commemorated in various ways throughout the year , but the principal exhibition , Sovereign , rightly takes place in London , and in the most famous museum associated with the Crown , the Victoria and Albert .
15 In 1991 , we should not be making the poorest in society the scapegoats for a policy that even every Tory Member admits is dead , is dying and should be abolished .
16 Traditional informal networks are dying and should be allowed to die .
17 The top surface Carboniferous was chosen because — in contrast to stratigraphic reference levels , like , e.g. , the Westphalian C/D boundary — it has been penetrated and can be identified easily in most boreholes .
18 They have a right to have their feelings respected and should be treated as any other residents .
19 They are weatherproofed and can be sited permanently outdoors if required .
20 Continuous running of these facilities is not recommended and should be avoided unless the offline system is run concurrently to service the store/restore requests .
21 In these areas development is not normally permitted and will be approved only if there are exceptional circumstances , although in practice these guidelines are not always adhered to ( Davidson and Wibberley 1977 ) .
22 A petition is being organised and will be signed by as many people as possible .
23 The pursuit of fantasy solutions has repeatedly drained energy from the much more difficult business of pursuing workable models for change which are rooted in what actually happens and could be made to happen in our schools .
24 ’ He sees the struggle for definition as ‘ veritably the struggle for life itself ’ , and that to perceive oneself for oneself is a matter of life and death : ‘ In short , he who first seizes the word imposes reality on the other : he who defines thus dominates and lives ; and he who is defined is subjugated and may be killed . ’
25 Sales of cars , lager , cigarettes , petrol and office equipment are all threatened and could be hit in an astonishing public backlash .
26 It is an active faith : a belief that something needs to be done and can be done by this man Jesus .
27 Given the preoccupation of most of the British Press with the sensational and the titillating such coverage will inevitably continue , but more can be done and should be done to avoid the negative image of the profession that emerges with each story .
28 He says charity shops should be allowed to sell second hand toys as they 've always done and the legislation which took them off the shelves was wrongly framed and should be scrapped .
29 Manchester University 's Computing Centre will soon boast the largest single computational node in the UK when it replaces its VP1200 supercomputer with a VPX240/10 machine from Fujitsu Systems Business ( Europe ) : it is the first Fujitsu VPX machine to be sold in the UK since launch last year 's launch and features one scalar processor , one 2.5GFLOPS vector processor , 1Gb main memory , 1Gb of secondary memory ; it is four times faster than the five-year-old system it is replacing and will be used for computational fluid dynamics and engineering research ; delivery is planned for July ; no price was given .
30 my Lord er as indicated to your Lordship yesterday , erm , er the primary position of er is that these issues can be decided and should be decided that in the manner that I 've submitted to your Lordship , er and in the societies favour .
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