Example sentences of "[verb] and [v-ing] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 How lovely , thought Winnie , letting her knitting fall and looking at the leaping flames , if she agreed !
2 Bobbing and bobbing at the well-wall
3 They could hear Oliver banging and kicking at the cellar door .
4 But what struck like an ice-cold knife into Owen 's heart was the group of six or seven men standing in the middle of the road , between him and the fire , laughing and jeering at the villagers ' puny efforts to save their homes .
5 She stood up , holding her hands to her face , laughing and weeping at the same time , gasping for breath , feeling her heart and only finally throwing her arms up in joy .
6 For laughing and singing at a funeral her husband gave her a reproving tap , and she had to return to her home in the lake .
7 Nails was laughing and shivering at the same time , so excited that he felt almost ill with it .
8 The two women held one another , laughing and crying at the same time , while little Danny pulled at Ruth 's skirt , wanting to know , ‘ Who 's that lady , Mam ? ’
9 Suddenly the anguish was gone and she was laughing and crying at the same time .
10 Eyewitnesses indicate that ‘ the couple spent three hours laughing and cuddling at a Melbourne nightclub . ’
11 Quiss clawed at the wall , tearing the faded , yellowing books away from it , throwing them behind him like a dog digging a hole in the sand , bellowing incoherently and tearing and swiping at the wall , baring the green-black slate beneath as the torn , ripped pages fluttered away behind him falling to the grimy glass floor like some flat , grubby snow .
12 He was groaning and clawing at the pillow .
13 I was shivering and sweating at the same time .
14 But certainly he 'll be pushing and pushing at the front there and making runs to get in the back all night I 'm I 'm certain of that .
15 Someone was squealing and crying at the same time , as if caught in a trap .
16 The pattern consisted of repetitive peristaltic contractions in the body of the oesophagus not related to swallowing and occurring at a rhythm of four to eight contractions per minute and lasting for periods of two to eight minutes .
17 There is an elaborate system of inspecting and reporting at the local level , and monitoring at the national level by the Council for the Care of Churches , and at diocesan level by Diocesan Advisory Committees .
18 He looked at her derisively and left her to it , drinking the coffee he had made and sitting at the table .
19 It 's sludging and scaling at the same time .
20 There was fluid in my lungs , rattling and wheezing at every breath .
21 By tactfully praising and criticizing at the same time , he had pupils flocking into the school , eager to train , rightly believing he had special abilities in this sphere .
22 In the early Liverpool days of Big Flame the comrades had been obsessed with the potential of Ford workers as leaders of the British revolution , and had put great effort into organizing and recruiting at the local Halewood plant .
23 Current Department of Agriculture inspection methods — feeling , smelling and looking at the food — were judged inappropriate as , in the case of fish , they can not not detect the toxins .
24 A tale of when Saltash was a busy riverside fishing town and , so it was said , Saltash lads and maidens were noted everywhere for their smart trick of turning their hand to everything , including fishing , gardening , boat building , oyster dredging and pulling at the regatta for prizes , is that of boatswain 's mate Charles Hoskins and his sweetheart , Bessie Lee .
25 I fought for breath between heaves , snatching down flecks of vomit and coughing and spewing at the same time .
26 He could imagine her posed , mouth moistly open , hips jutting and staring at the cameras with that apparently obligatory look of arrogant resentment .
27 To be fair to be fair to him I think that he would erm he 's set his heart on going and working at the lawn mower place on the production line
28 More surprising , and to Paviour more confounding and conciliating at the same time , was the presence of Gus Hambro , busy with a large clip-board , charting on squared paper the patch of ground to be taken up , and sketching a hurried but accurately proportioned elevation of the exposed vault of the flue .
29 In the light from the partly-opened curtains , she could see his head above hers , his neck stretched , his eyes open and staring at the wall above the bed-head .
30 His rescuer was smiling , pulling and pointing at the tartan plaid that had protected the young Highlander in his wanderings across eastern Europe .
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