Example sentences of "[verb] and [subord] you [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Since vitamin C is water soluble any excess is excreted and so you do n't have to worry about taking too much .
2 occupied and as you say , she 's she 's she 's in the , the nursing home and I mean , it 's same environment all the time so , she 's bound to dwell it on longer is n't she ?
3 The menu is varied and if you choose to do so , you could make a full meal of it — for instance you could choose calamari , followed by Scottish salmon , followed by delicious fudge brownies .
4 You are the most ill-mannered , arrogant man it has ever been my misfortune to meet and if you think that I am going to obediently trot over there and start picking up that rubbish now … ’
5 Over four years , through a process of trialling of exercises with teacher groups and much instructive error , I have evolved some forty discussion units which are presented in sections organized according to areas of concern — for example ‘ Problems with the whole class ’ ; ‘ Describing disruptive behaviour for yourself and others ’ ; ‘ Support : what you want and where you get it ’ ; ‘ Schools and parents ’ .
6 They are also thinking too much about what counts and when you do that you are up the creek , and at the moment Gloucester have not got a paddle
7 ‘ You are a part of it , ’ he interrupted caustically , ‘ whether you like it or not , and at the moment you are the only friend Steve Cannock has and if you feel for him as you so often have claimed to you 'll be at his side when he needs you . ’
8 The important thing is to be open about yourself — both in terms of where you are oppressed and where you oppress others .
9 And then there is underneath the sea bed , which has been very important for the United Kingdom because of the great oil and gas resources which we found and if you had had er more limited erm concepts of the
10 Identifying trainees is all about finding out who needs to be trained and what they need to know and if you remember one of ject objectives we had for the course is , was to , so that by the end of the course you will actually develop a system by identifying the trainees because this is sort of hit or miss .
11 Something happens and immediately you change . ’
12 Sometimes they 've been bitter and sometimes hopeless , but no matter how they 've fallen or why they 've fallen , the time comes when they stop and whether you like it or not , or intend it or not , stop they do .
13 He says to me he says to me he 's , I 've been two or three time while he been int garden he says every time you come in here you lock your car , he says why you 're only int garden , I says well I 've lived round here for a lot of years , ha , I says and when you 've lived here long enough I says you 'll be locking your car every time you get it out .
14 Ah you see here 's somebody who 's writing about , you know , her part of the erm the interest on an er on erm and it says and provided you have no other income er that would take you over your personal allowance register for on the Inland Revenue form R eighty five , interest with no tax deductions .
15 New dishwasher owners are usually horrified when they find that a 3 kg box of detergent costs anything between £2.59 and £5.93 , depending on where you shop and whether you buy a supermarket own brand or one of the well-known names such as Finish or Sun .
16 Doing far more than we can reasonably do and if you like , doing it by very definition , badly , or worse than it could have done .
17 So you 're signposting what you wan na do and where you wan na go .
18 ’ If they have a party to go to , they 'll steal something to wear and if you ask them where all the new clothes are coming from , they just remind you how rich they are , ’ she adds .
19 For harmony licks like these you 'll find that where you pick and where you pull off or hammer-on really makes a difference to how the harmony sounds .
20 She do n't think and as you get , you get older they get worse
21 As a publish writer yourself I told her I 've been published articles you will understand the need for market targeting and as you mention at twenty thousand words is not full-length , though this could be if was aimed at children .
22 Flowers are very brittle once pressed and if you try to touch them with your fingers they will be completely ruined , no matter how careful you are .
23 In summary : ‘ I stimulate you to think about how you are going to achieve agreed objectives ; later we 'll explore what happened and whether you need any help to improve further , or merely some new objectives . ’
24 and she said well I 'll be able to tell you how many enquiries we 've had and so you know , you were expecting something you know
25 For any long distance sailing you should inform someone where you are going and when you expect to return .
26 It does n't cost much to buy and if you wear it with humility you will find it is worth the Kingdom of Heaven !
27 They steer people away from any home which they believe is likely to be closed and once you start doing this , you will in fact be sealing the fate of those homes and you it 's a very , very dangerous game , you 've got ta be , you 've got ta play it very , very carefully indeed and I hope Chairman that there can be a degree of common sense and rationality introduced into discussions between the members of the various groups who have to deal with these very difficult issues .
28 So then it went on from there to Canada so it just worked out or appeared to work out that right around the world at that particular time ten or eleven years ago , that nobody was bothered and as you said the Beautiful Dreamers and this sort of stuff until we came along and er but other than that we would be surprised .
29 Which is a very similar wording to the one used and if you do decide er to go forward with this criteria , perhaps erm there 's scope to introduce the wording avoiding coalescence .
30 You know and if you 'd seen the size of the temple there were thinking well , come on , and the trouble that they 'd gone through over their history to establish er a capital city with a temple as the main feature , they were not happy about him saying that .
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