Example sentences of "[verb] and [adv] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It filled you , with glory for a time , but the glory soon departed and then it left upon your spirit , oh , the most appalling ravages .
2 The event was cancelled and now it seems we may never see what Daf Leyland had planned for the future .
3 So he stopped and then it fell , and it fell short of the hundred pound they wanted .
4 I would n't disagree with Mr in what he said about the more cuts we have the better it looks and so it stands to reason it 's a question of cost .
5 He 's , well not necessarily made his mind but you can suggest that he might , may have done and also it seems that Alfiera is slightly half hearted in the way he erm like tries to convince Eddie cos it seems that i it , I get the feeling that Alfiera already knows and just thinking well there 's no point in getting really het up about it , so he , he tries , he says look it 's not a good idea but in the end
6 Er without being an actuary I say to myself that 's a pretty magical thing you 've done and then it causes you to start looking at the monetary background of all of that an and again I I 'm , I 'm speaking here largely on what actuarial advice we are beginning to receive .
7 This is what Illustrator achieves and then it allows you to modify the results .
8 I think in general terms , we were having a discussion only the other day , and thinking of possible applications of one form of another of microprocessors , only very generally I might add , but if we thought of an application which would save paying someone 's salary on a weekly or monthly basis , then that would be attractive for obvious reasons , you know , that the sort of when one totals up wages and salaries over a full year then that 's a significant saving to be made and therefore it justifies the initial investment cost in whatever the system might be .
9 They use instinct and spontaneity and when they practise something , they do so for the enjoyment it produces and thus it becomes more of a game than a practice .
10 The Factor named a price , Antinou countered and so it went on for quite a while .
11 But this enthusiasm swiftly evaporated and soon it became difficult to find anyone who was satisfied with it , let alone enthusiastic .
12 goes into this other resistor here , where it goes and then it flows round again .
13 stuffed and then it had sequins sewn and that .
14 and then you got a wire going and then it reduces to small , it 's like an extension lead on these ?
15 I 've gone round the car twice , I thought , that ai n't stopped but I did , you do n't realise it 's stopped cos I did n't hear the bib bib bib bib bib there 's so much foam anyway you do n't realise there 's none coming out the like fine dribbles coming out of fucking put the back , put the jets bit on he rinsed it all down just about got it rinsed and then it gives you like erm a blob like a wax blob , so I put that on there I thought
16 About four hours came home when it rained and then it stayed dry
17 It could not be called and therefore it falls .
18 It 's typical Which , Problems with Wills I think it was called and then it came in the paper as Where There 's a Will there 's a Bill .
19 so that we know and also it puts the guy in context for I mean these if I remember I mean H M S O are mega bucks buyers
20 Chairman , if they ask for er er additional rent , all we have to say is no , you maintain it as a , as a recreation ground , erm you know and then it passes back to them .
21 That 's where the blood leads by , okay , on that side of the heart the left hand side of the heart it 's being pumped and therefore the muscle is a bigger muscle , that 's doing the contracting , the blood push out and it relaxes back again and that allows the blood to be sucked back down into the heart , okay , and the next time it 's shh , that goes out and then it relaxes down again and the blood sucks back down into the heart , okay so that 's what it does , all the muscle can do is that , muscle can only retract and then it relaxes , contract and then it relaxes , that 's what the heart 's doing all the time , how many beats a minute ?
22 In the morning , body temperature is being raised and so it tends to be slightly lower than required .
23 It 's , certainly erm well attended , there 's , you know thousands of people attend and basically it centres around erm , a fire , Beltane means erm , sacred fire and erm a procession of drummers leads me to top of a path and along Carlfa , Carlton Hill and erm fire sculptures are lit around me and I unfo ha have this great costume that I unfold in and erm process round the hill and round hill are different performers erm painted in different colours to represent different elements of nature , and finally we come to this big fire where which I light with hands , which have been sculpted and bannocks are given to the people to eat , and erm the tradition that you 're supposed to cross the fire as a sort of a erm purification ceremony or or through the ashes of the fire .
24 You have a bank account where either of you can sign , one dies the other can still sign and therefore it belongs entirely to that survivor .
25 Erm well we had a a big raffle erm we wrote away to all the local shops and restaurants ask them to donate prizes and we raised a lot of money through that and also my mum erm cooked Indian snacks which we sold during the interval erm which everyone loved and so it worked quite well .
26 Its lifetime is no longer restricted and so it travels quite freely within the black hole .
27 Sometimes it applies and sometimes it appears not to apply .
28 But once employed as capital that money stays there , it 's stuck and hopefully it earns money but it 's stuck there forever until the sale of that asset is is a achieved .
29 That the court can take such an initiative is well settled and indeed it has been done on several occasions in the past .
30 The Labour party has opposed every tax cut that we have introduced and now it threatens to raise taxes if we cut them .
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