Example sentences of "[verb] and [modal v] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It takes about 20 minutes to work and can give almost total pain relief .
2 Namibia is particularly interesting because of its " desert " elephants and black rhinos , which have suffered a recent upsurge in poaching and may become even more vulnerable as the country moves towards independence . "
3 He went on to say that if energy was then introduced into such a system , these shape-specific groups of water polymers could be stabilized and could join together to form long chains of water polymers which would retain the original solute imprint and shape specificity .
4 By August the male will have begun to moult and will become almost indistinguishable from the female .
5 But within this context , Wilkins ' elegant stuccoed facades will be retained , and an important landmark has been saved and will look far more handsome and dignified than it has for many years .
6 The advent of scientific thinking has institutionalised the idea that knowledge has to progress and can do so only through research .
7 From the foregoing comes one of the basic facts of modern economic society : the poor in our economy are needed to do the work that the more fortunate do not do and would find manifestly distasteful , even distressing .
8 Foals rapidly stop sucking and can dehydrate very quickly .
9 So , if you have done something in the past which you now regret and would do differently were the situation to repeat itself , you should be pleased that you have learned something vital and that your spirit , having dealt with that negative aspect , will not have to encounter it again .
10 At present the use of colonic motility tests in clinical practice is limited and will remain so until normal ranges for colonic pressures can be defined and more effective treatments for the various motility disorders identified .
11 All that would reinforce the particular policy to which my hon. Friend referred and would damage tremendously the prospects of the British people and destroy countless jobs .
12 I looked from left to right to find somewhere to sit and could see nowhere .
13 This would require a huge corpus , would be extremely difficult to estimate and would require too much storage .
14 ‘ The dog has really taken to hurdles racing and will improve even more with experience he can only get better , ’ said racing manager Jimmy Nunn .
15 To give it more would be out of proportion to the need shown and would entail too high a risk of unjustifiable interference with the freedom of expression of the press and public .
16 Vegetable lasagne or cannelloni are sometimes offered and would do especially well as a main course choice .
17 I have a battle to win and would ask only that I am given the chance to do so without intrusion in my private life .
18 Bending machines are quick and easy to use and can give more accurate bends than springs .
19 ‘ They 're confused and disorientated and as time goes on , the risk is going to grow that they will strand themselves on land because they wo n't be feeding and will become progressively weaker . ’
20 Therapy teaches clients that feelings can be tolerated and will fade away if they stay in the feared or difficult situation .
21 Not only was there a relatively high chance of being wrecked , there was also a good chance of saving the cargo , since.the huge tuns of wine could float and might drift ashore with some 200 gallons unharmed inside each one .
22 The following practices have been noted and should cease forthwith : Missiles thrown at the police should not be picked up and thrown back as once the missile has hit the ground it is deemed ‘ out of play ’ .
23 I treat my hon. Friend 's question as an early Budget representation , which I have noted and will consider carefully .
24 However , the skin does tend to become more sensitive when you 're expecting and may react adversely to certain products .
25 When the alarm is given the group assembles and may mob collectively a potential predator .
26 If a constant rate of turn is now maintained , the sensation of turning lessens and may disappear altogether .
27 She was used to travelling and used to go abroad for us with exhibitions . ’
28 Once you feel like running and can do so without stiffness or pain , you can work gently back towards normal training , along the lines of the schedule .
29 Whereas the priests told him that he must die and would go either to heaven or to hell , the singers of songs told him that , though he must die , his name need not and that it was up to him whether he left behind a good or an evil reputation .
30 She wished him goodbye , thanked him for coming and could see again the face of his wife on the only occasion she had met her : tight-lipped , unable to approve , fiercely loyal to John .
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