Example sentences of "[verb] and [pron] are [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ People have been approached and we are just waiting to hear now when the contracts are signed and sealed , ’ said a spokesman .
2 The symptoms are generally worse the further you fly and they are more marked after eastward flights than those to the west .
3 Well camouflaged stick insects , whose concealment has for once failed to work and who are about to be snapped at by a hungry predator , will suddenly flick open their brightly coloured wings in a dramatically unexpected display that may shock the enemy into retreat .
4 His wife Eleanor snapped in the summer of 1991 over his affair with widow Georgina Gillan but all bitterness is now forgotten and they are together again .
5 The revenue obtained a huge sum of money which they had no right to demand and they are now hanging on to a very large amount of interest which they have no moral right to retain .
6 Through a complex set of such exchanges the economic activities of people who are widely dispersed and who are entirely unaware of each other 's existence can be coordinated .
7 One of the great things about watching a good comedy show or film is that people around you start laughing and you are much more likely to join in .
8 ‘ We are premium priced and we are not out to undercut others , but we believe we offer better value for money .
9 Erm , it 's clearly states that a new settlement should be only contemplated where , and it 's my opinion , that all those factors need to be met and they are not weighted within that er paragraph .
10 Yet another author they quote ‘ stresses the importance of frontal lobes in maturation , stating that in children with frontal lesions , behaviour is disinhibited and they are consequently less educable . ’
11 Services Marketing Strategy — for marketers of products that can not be touched or seen and which are highly dependent on people for the quality of output .
12 ‘ The men we are seeking may be wet and bedraggled and possibly injured and we are fairly confident they are still in the area . ’
13 Gullit , of course , is injured and there are still fears for his playing career , never mind his appearing in Italy .
14 ‘ Regarding the September issue , we are positive the matter is not connected and we are still gathering evidence to prosecute the culprit , ’ she added .
15 A more subtle aspect of this argument concerns which statistics are collected and which are not .
16 Arguing that a dominant group may be so well entrenched that it is unaware of any potential challenge , Lukes points to the importance of socially and culturally patterned behaviour , to ways of acting and thinking which are taken for granted and which are rarely exposed to serious challenge .
17 Harley MS 6579 and marked by italics : Or further , in chapter forty-six , where Hilton is talking about the word " Iesu " as a means of focusing all the inheritance of life that the recluse desires , he says : These insertions do not add anything new , they simply expand in a particular way what has been said and they are not absolutely consistent in all the manuscripts in which they appear .
18 Does not the Secretary of State understand that the people in the Forth Valley health board area will greet his decision with great dismay , especially the families of the mentally handicapped patients in that hospital , who do not have a vote , could not be consulted and who are now greatly exercised by the prospect of being cast into the free market system ?
19 We 've two weeks to go and we are nowhere near being ready . ’
20 ‘ It would be stupid to rule out promotion because there is a long way to go and we are now looking a decent team , ’ he said .
21 If you have a fair , sensitive skin , your genetic capability of tanning may be limited and you are most at risk from burning and all the nasty effects of too much sunlight , including skin cancer .
22 Central questions to which epistemologists try to provide answers include ‘ Which beliefs are justified and which are not ? ’ ,
23 So we have suggested , erm , you will see in our evidence that policy H One should be amended and their are clearly a number of ways in which that amended amendment could take place , but we would particularly suggest that erm an indication should be given as to what the proportion of each district 's allocation is assumed to be going to the new settlement , if the new settlement is is agreed under the H Two discussion , thank you .
24 Erm again , this is why er er jogging at th at this point became so er popular if you remember everyb er a little while , few years ago everybody was rushing out jogging and there are still people who are doing it .
25 It helps if you know which sounds are easy to see and which are more difficult ( shown on charts Pages 61 and 72 ) .
26 and you 've got a group , the rich within the agricultural sector who are going to invest and they are more likely to invest in agriculture .
27 It 's quarter past ten , at half past ten there 's coffee , so you 've got a lifeline to cling on to , and then at half past , after coffee we shall be doing some other things with , with our friends who have joined and who are real local radio people .
28 To this end a comprehensive review of the training and examination syllabus has been undertaken and we are now embarking on a period of consultation with a view to implementing a more up-to-date system in two years ' time .
29 Suddenly the mist clears and we are now in a clearing .
30 peasant and that that had had adverse consequences in terms of maybe economic output , certainly in terms of mobilization , certainly in terms of , of political effect on , on the middle peasant and therefore there had to be the , the correcting bit to this and that correction comes either very late forty seven but particularly early nineteen forty eight when the excesses of the , the campaigns and excesses against the middle peasants have to be , be corrected and there are very clear statements from Mao that the middle peasant must not be encroached upon .
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