Example sentences of "[verb] and [pron] know [conj] " in BNC.

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1 She said she 'd realised how tired your parents were becoming and she knew that if she wanted to remain at home on a long-term basis she would have to have some form of respite care .
2 It is unfortunate that the talk comes quite so soon after Christmas , but I hope all members living locally will make every effort to come and I know that they will be glad they did .
3 The guards knew full well what was happening and we knew that after a few days they were likely to get heavy about it .
4 Then I saw the top tier of the cake and that has got to be the er piece , piece de resistance I think as the French say and I know that some very exciting ideas are coming out of the South East region .
5 ‘ Mr Christie , ’ said a voice , ‘ you do n't know me but I know you , We have met and I know that you are a good man and a religious man .
6 His was the first correct solution selected and he knew that Berlin ( 1916 ) , Tokyo then Helsinki ( 1940 ) and London ( 1944 ) were the VIth , XIIth and XIIIth Olympiads .
7 They had not been consulted and they knew that they would be caught in the middle if , as for a time seemed probable , there should be violent local protests .
8 I recall the speech to which the hon. Gentleman referred and I know that he has referred before to a case similar to that which he described today .
9 I know of the proposal to which my hon. Friend refers and I know that he has vigorously represented the concerns of his constituents .
10 As he spoke his eyes had fallen and she knew that from the centre of each perfectly round breast a peak jutted , lifting the thin material of her shirt .
11 There is a risk of a misleading illusion being formed and I know that my hon. Friend would wish to avoid that .
12 Her skin tingled and she knew that she was taut with expectation .
13 So you know and I know that you , of all people , have nothing to feel guilty about . ’
14 You know and I know that not everyone will agree with you .
15 And you know and I know that when I come home after a nice relentless day at the rehearsal rooms , it will look like Versailles , Southfork and Designers Guild rolled into one .
16 ‘ Oh , Mr Kelly , you know and I know that that piece of paper is a bloody con . ’
17 ‘ But you know and I know that deep down I 'm about as alien to your concept of life as a creature from outer space . ’
18 We 're on the same side and you know and I know that some of the troops are gon na find that , I , my opinion is that some of the troops will find that hard going for eleven weeks unless they know exactly what the hell they 're supposed to be doing in
19 ’ My parents know and I know that this is the best place I could be .
20 I think you know and I know that this is just not true !
21 representing that , but you know and I know that it did n't stay like that , I do n't know how long , but it did n't stay like it for very long because sin crept in , that circle was marred , it was twisted , that intermit original fellowship with God was broken , let me read you a verse there in Genesis chapter three and verse eight , it 's , it 's Adam and Eve it says they heard the sound of the lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the lord God among the trees of the garden , for the first time since Adam had first been created they hide from God , they hear him coming , it 's the time when God will come , and they hear him that were walking through the garden using picture language , and they go and hide , they 're ashamed to see him , they do n't want to look upon him , something has happened that perfect circle has been marred , what it was like yesterday , things are different now , there 's that unclean feeling , there 's that guilt complex , we 've done it wrong , we 've failed to keep what God 's said , we 've broken the rules and when you break the rules , it 's not just the rules that are broken is it , you know it and I know it , in relationships , it 's not just the rules that get broken , it 's the relationship is marred .
22 I know and you know that Hardy did not think it a sad poem — just a comment and a summing up .
23 And , thought Busacher to himself , it would also help with the awkwardness of Suzi and Georg no longer speaking and everyone knowing that the little Hoflin was currently messing about with Gesner .
24 I think the other possibility to take Stella 's point is that if there is a change that 's come up because of an audit , where a particular job has been audited and you know that within the next week or so another similar job is being audited , it may make sense to refer it 'til the next meeting , providing you 're not deferring it for a long period of time , to compar the results of the two jobs .
25 Anyone who wants to change anything will have to somehow change it without altering the figures because they 're settled and we know that if we ever go back to No. 10 or the Cabinet we 'll always get the backing of the Prime Minister and the appellant will always be overturned . ’
26 Now at this stage er it is the plaintiff 's case that Mr er considered that this caused major financial problems , because the property at Frinton was simply not one that was open to him to offer as security , it was clear that the bank would now as he saw it , on the deal that he understood that he 'd struck and he knew that without the bank 's help he would not be able to er proceed with this purchase and operate he business in the way he had wished to .
27 Fonda , Hopper and Nicholson all knew what they meant and they knew that most of the youngsters in the audience would know what they meant .
28 But in 1976 , when Jean Darnall gave me this advice , I knew exactly what she meant and I knew that what she recommended was exactly what I wanted to do .
29 He knew and we knew that he was pretty hopeless at ball games , so we readily relinquished the bat to him in the hopes of another of his clowning sessions .
30 But he knew and she knew that the prince denied access to no one who ventured to appeal to him .
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