Example sentences of "[verb] and [conj] [pron] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Numerous demonstrations were held as war approached and after it broke out , the largest protest being on Jan. 12 when 40,000 attended two rallies in Paris .
2 That 's where the fuel tanks are located and though it seemed likely that the partial tearing away of the wing had also ruptured the fuel lines and spilled the fuel , there was no way of being sure and no one , again as far as I know , has ever come up against the problem of what happens when an oxyacetylene jet meets a fuel tank under water .
3 Until more interesting work was available he felt he had no option but to keep the men in his charge fully occupied and if it meant using eight men to undertake a task which could be accomplished in a fraction of the time by a machine , well — the men were n't going anywhere .
4 ‘ It tells us nothing in terms of lessons that can be learned , what sort of materials were used for the curtains , whether a sprinkler system was installed and whether they worked properly .
5 Candles burned on the table where they were to dine and as she sat down at the table she banished the sob for evermore .
6 so if you wanted to go see if you change William 's thing to the colour I want and if they had , he said he thought the shirt that the guy got with it matched it better than the smaller check , so do you wan na give him that check shirt that I bought him ?
7 He could n't understand how his world had collapsed and although he said to himself , several times a day , that it was all the fault of the theatre , that sick , all-pervading fever that seemed to turn everyone foolish and mad , in his heart he knew it was more than that .
8 Nicholas still denies the exchange was anything like as bad as the court supposed and although he paid £1,300 damages to the victim , h e remains adamant that an injustice was done .
9 He should explain that the left the country only because his authority was no longer respected and because he desired to avoid bloodshed .
10 He was talking to himself as she approached and when he saw her he immediately huddled further into the doorway .
11 And then there is underneath the sea bed , which has been very important for the United Kingdom because of the great oil and gas resources which we found and if you had had er more limited erm concepts of the
12 Er but there was er She come here with them people and the they kept that big and they forget and after they had died and they she went across the road to the the this here now .
13 Later , the only Gentile writer in the New Testament tells us that on one occasion the disciples found Jesus praying and when he had finished they asked him , ‘ ’ Lord , teach us to pray . ’
14 Entry to this body was much sought after by wealthy young men , because of the prestige it conferred and because it guaranteed proximity to the Emperor .
15 In those early months he had wanted her to know the magnitude of what he had done and that he had done it for her .
16 With the greater part of her days work done and since she did not have to cook Alisdairs lunch , ( he would likely stop in a pub near the market ) , she went back into the cottage to enjoy the only pleasure she got from life on the croft , her weaving .
17 Siegfried stalked around the calf house as I had done and when he returned his face was expressionless .
18 He tried to remember that Fiver was under-sized and that they had had an anxious time and were all weary .
19 But it was a moment or so before Agnes obeyed and when she did her voice was stiff as she said , ‘ And your son has given her a — ’ How was she to put it ?
20 He waited for him to answer and when it became obvious that he could n't the older man voiced what he hoped was true .
21 But Jenna was too lost to reality to answer and when he unfastened the buttons on her blouse and found the high , taut peaks of her breasts she tossed her head from side to side in delight as his lips caressed them .
22 He was not particularly pleased with the result , however : when The Family Reunion had been televised two years before , he confessed that it was the first television play he had seen and that he found the medium deficient .
23 Going back along the ditch and down beside the house , she tried to convince herself that no one would have heard her love-shriek , but she was already frightened that they had , and when she tiptoed into the scullery and crossed to her straw pallet in the corner , her fear increased tenfold , for she was immediately certain that the blanket had been moved and that someone had been there in the scullery only minutes before .
24 Recent palaeomagnetic studies , which identify the magnetic secrets ‘ frozen ’ into the rocks when they solidified , have also enabled scientists to decipher when the rocks moved and where they came from .
25 Then she decided to be awkward , like she always is , and said I says oh it 's still taping you know and I s she said summat , I ca n't remember what it were now but I was saying , I knew that 'd happen , one minute yes then no , then I 'll think about it , I says and if I did n't start it when you went out you 'd be saying you could 've done this and that and er so she were chittering , pretending she said I could n't do it .
26 and we were gon na get the police to ge w well i it just said the , the short name and we thought it was a boy that had written and if it had 've been we were gon na get the police because she 's under age you see .
27 The chimes of bells which stood in every district of the city were being rung as they sat down — both because the ringers had been amply bribed and because they thought it politic to honour Artai and his chief supporter — and a small orchestra of trumpets and tambours had been hired by a steward and was accommodated in the yard , so that Burun 's speech of welcome to his guests , as well as their affable replies , were conducted with much opening and shutting of mouths and a deal of dumb show .
28 Another thing : not enough men would be in the middle waiting for crosses when they came and like I said before the crosses were mostly aiming for heads — or for Deano 's head .
29 anyhow that made me feel there was no future in Plymouth for that , so this opportunity came , I came and when I got here they did n't carry any sergeants so I would of had to move again if I wanted promotion , which I was n't prepared to do for this , mainly for his education , unfortunately the
30 ( A famous actor interviewed recently on the radio said that , when he had learned his part in a play , he did not just know the words he had to say but where the new paragraphs came and when he had to turn the page of the script .
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