Example sentences of "[verb] and [prep] which [art] " in BNC.

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1 The social security system is also one of the main mechanisms through which the income inequalities between older women and men are both generated and reinforced and by which the dependence of women on men is encouraged .
2 Begun in the 1250s , it was several times remodelled and in the 1470s King Matthias added a fine tower which still stands and for which the Church has been named since .
3 A recent report by the DHSS Operational Research Service reviews methods for calculating nurse demand and recommends an evolutionary — start simple and refine as necessary — approach which has built-in evaluation and cross-checking elements to allow judgemental inputs to be scrutinized and upon which the process of informing , questioning and understanding can be based ( 1 ) .
4 I do not know whether I have the best answer to that , but I remind them that the Bill relates only to those utilities that have been privatised and to which a policy of independent regulators applies .
5 There are certain other circumstances in which this problem of unduly encouraging an authority to reach a particular decision does not arise and in which a scheme of compensation might be feasible and desirable : where there is no question of a decision being re-made , notably where the time-limit for challenging an allegedly illegal decision has run out ( through no fault of the applicant ) ; or where a citizen has suffered loss by relying on a representation by a public body that it will act in a particular way , in circumstances where the law will not require the body to make good its representation because it has undertaken to act illegally ; or where a court exercises its discretion not to quash an illegal decision In such cases the problem of causation does not exist because the decision in question will not be reconsidered .
6 But by the detective novel I mean a book in which the puzzle element is reduced and in which the characters are a good deal more lifelike than those which the blueprint puzzle merchants needed and in which the element of character drawing is given much more weight .
7 The techniques of applied econometrics could not be deployed upon a hypothesis in which most of the relevant variables could not be directly measured and in which the focus of attention was continually shifting sometimes leapfrogging was the problem , sometimes real wage resistance , sometimes a Marxian class struggle for shares in the national income , but at most times some miscellany of all three problems was present contemporaneously .
8 To fail in marriage nowadays is to go bankrupt in a business of life in which everyone engages and in which the large majority at least appear to be successful .
9 It matters not if there are farm animals on the area in which the rabbits will be feeding and from which the rabbits will later be driven .
10 The strong and independent judiciary , acknowledged by the Government in the Green Paper to be one of the central supports upon which our liberties are based and upon which the rule of law depends , will be weakened by the diminishing quality of available recruits and the growing political influence in their appointments .
11 ( ii ) in the case of an office from which no right of audience or right to conduct litigation is exercised and from which no exercise of any such right is supervised , a registered foreign lawyer who is a principal of the firm and who has been qualified in his or her own jurisdiction for at least three years ;
12 in the case of an office from which no right of audience or right to conduct litigation is exercised and from which no exercise of any such right is supervised , a registered foreign lawyer who is a principal of the firm ’
13 It is at the local level that change needs to be assessed and at which the variety of political forces at work was best displayed .
14 But by the detective novel I mean a book in which the puzzle element is reduced and in which the characters are a good deal more lifelike than those which the blueprint puzzle merchants needed and in which the element of character drawing is given much more weight .
15 Commodore 's extraordinary name for the system was determined by their concern to avoid any potential trademark problems by actually calling it CDTV , the name they favoured and by which the system is now universally known .
16 In contrast with this fabricated ‘ real ’ redness the redness which immediately appears and from which the whole conception of red is obtained is downgraded to something which pertains only to how things look to us .
17 Only that part of the judgment which is based upon the facts as found and upon which the court bases its decision forms part of the ratio .
18 As my own thank-offering I would like to try briefly to express some thoughts on education by which I have long been troubled and to which no place , for reasons which I will show , could be more appropriate than this .
19 In one case the author was involved in , the widow ( after the deed of variation ) was able to convince the CTO that she only considered making the gifts back after a cocktail party she attended and at which the topic of conversation was inheritance tax .
20 In fact there are very few goods that are pure public goods ; that is , goods that yield benefits from which nobody can be excluded and for which the amount the individual can consume does not diminish as the number of consumers increases .
21 Matters such as the hon. Gentleman raised can be dealt with at present under the social dimension to which the British Government subscribe and against which the right hon. Member for Islwyn ( Mr. Kinnock ) voted .
22 Southern Electric , he added , aimed to continue to develop this kind of support for community based activities , in order to strengthen links with the communities they serve and from which the company drew their staff .
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