Example sentences of "[verb] be too [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Philip is ironic also about his tendency to think in terms of ‘ higher ’ literature , and he discredits the validity of a quotation from Eliot , when it comes into his mind , simply on the grounds that he has been too corrupted by contemporary culture for anything that occurs to him spontaneously to have lasting value :
2 The church throughout its history has been too preoccupied with building Christian civilisation at the expense of ‘ realising ’ the kingdom .
3 ‘ I think everything has been too easy for him up to now , that 's Richard 's trouble .
4 ‘ Flashman 's behaviour has been too pathetic for words . ’
5 It has been too complacent in collecting large sums of money from a few lucrative inventions , such as the cephalosporin antibiotics , and has not taken on enough risky new ventures .
6 Whilst the overall sums have been low , and there has also been criticism that the time period for these grants has been too short for the more innovative projects , some success in the movement of mentally handicapped and ill people into the community has been achieved .
7 In other words , according to its critics , the Conservative government has been too concerned with ownership and not concerned enough with the quantity and quality of the housing stock .
8 And indeed there are some who make think that the County Council has been too generous in that the reduction from the hundred percent migration in four districts , er amounts only to somewhere about four and a half er thousand dwellings .
9 The things we really want to know are too difficult for straightforward intuition ; we must therefore ask our informants questions that they CAN answer reliably and accurately .
10 Strings of pack-animals ( up to thirty per string ) carried bulky loads when the distances involved were too great for cumbersome carts , or the job too urgent for river transport .
11 Perhaps the individuals involved were too obtuse in applying conventional planning models with little regard for local feeling , and they may have been less than adroit in their handling of public opinion .
12 He was already in so far he could not find his depth , and he wanted to turn and strike back for the shore , but , like an unpractised swimmer , found that the distance he had come was too great for him to return .
13 Until now the possibility had n't occurred to Godolphin — he 'd been too preoccupied by the secret that he 'd lived with most of his adult life — but it was an intriguing , and disturbing , thought .
14 In the end she 'd been too good for her lowly position .
15 ‘ Who told you that ? ’ she asked , her voice cracked and full of breath she 'd been too shocked to exhale .
16 Perhaps , I thought , I 'd been too hasty in rejecting Sergia and her muscle-bound cohorts .
17 Or else he 'd been too afraid of the answer .
18 How could she explain that she 'd been too frightened of the dammed-up emotion she 'd felt in both her mother and father ?
19 He 'd asked her to wait for him , and although she 'd been too angry at the time to say that she would , she had nevertheless avoided marriage to anyone else despite the many proposals she 'd had .
20 Lord Denning MR added the further reason that the acts done were too remote to be regarded as furtherance .
21 There is a beautiful little iron-grey mare here that Alejandro has frightened out of her wits and says is too wet for polo .
22 President George Bush , a leading advocate of such an amendment , stated on June 12 that flag burning " endangers the fabric of our country " and that " what the flag encapsulates is too sacred to be abused " .
23 The trainers introduced an exercise that I believed was too complicated for a number of people in the group to understand .
24 The concepts used are too numerous to be shown in this chapter , but the example of a concept/keyword map in Figure 6.3 shows how concepts and keywords are combined into identifiable groups ; and how concepts and keywords are interrelated .
25 And he wo n't dare be too rude to you because you 're not a peasant .
26 Most of all she did n't like being too far from town to join a Brownie Guide Pack — and even now , when she looked like being able to get into the town , she could n't join the Brownie Pack !
27 The lower frequency words exhibit statistically unstable behaviour , because the sample of contexts in which they participate is too small to be an adequate representation .
28 The area affected is too large for control by chemical spraying .
29 The increase noted is too significant to be attributable to inflation .
30 Once more I tried to recall what was to happen , as recounted in Mary Shelley 's book , but what little returned was too vague to be of use .
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