Example sentences of "[verb] be not [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Minister has referred to what he described as administrative matters that he thinks are not amenable to legislation .
2 In this chapter , I shall argue that Simmel 's assertion that his analysis is one of modernity rather than solely of capitalism should be taken seriously , and that the contradictions in modernity which he analysed are not resolvable through Marxist conceptions of a future society , but are dilemmas which have to be investigated as integral aspects of modern life .
3 It should be noted that , while maiming or wounding are not justifiable for simple recaption of property , yet they may well become justifiable for another reason — self-defence .
4 One possible explanation for the lack of correlation between risk and either normality or speed in the Groeger and Chapman study could be that the subset of 24 stimuli used were not characteristic of the whole 60 .
5 The one indisputable fact these studies revealed is that the majority of those interviewed were not familiar with the extent of , or damage caused by , corporate crime and amongst the ‘ knowledgeable ’ minority , few were able to define it with any precision .
6 That we found a lower mortality than expected is not relevant to the paper 's message .
7 Wealth and technological superiority are by far its greatest military assets , dying is not popular among either American soldiers or civilians , and until Gorbachev came along , a world war against the Soviets was the only one for which the Pentagon prepared .
8 Er the Newark one is on a road called Middlegate which those of you who know Newark will know is not far from Newark Market Square .
9 Earlier Neil Kinnock , the Labour leader , hoped it would be demonstrated that Sir Nicholas did not speak for other Tories ‘ because the gutter language he used is not fit for anyone standing for a democratic party ’ .
10 Acceptance of decisions with which you disagree is not akin to subordination .
11 The U's boss was not happy with the physical tactics employed by Rochdale in last Saturday 's 5–2 defeat at Spotland .
12 Usher was not far from the edge of the Kalahari desert and the local people often went hungry .
13 The reason why this occurred er erm , the reason why this occurred was not due to some sort of er , due to emotional problems that he suffered within these repressed relations with his son .
14 Lady Hamilton ( 1941 , That Hamilton Woman in US ) , which Korda made in America with Vivien Leigh and Laurence Olivier , works most of the time as a love story , but the messages that constantly obtrude about men whose ‘ insane ambition ’ makes them want to destroy what others had built are not organic to the main narrative .
15 Firstly , the groups studied were not homogeneous for the location of the disease .
16 Six trades in GPA debt may not sound like a ground swell , but deciding to sell is not easy for secured creditors .
17 There Engels more or less tells us that the scheme presented is not likely to be changed by new discoveries .
18 The method of preparation of the remedies and how they act is not essential to an understanding of Homoeopathy .
19 ‘ The uncertainty and debate that is developing is not helpful to the profession as a whole . ’
20 Population ageing is not unique to Britain but is a characteristic feature of most western industrial societies and , increasingly the less developed parts of the world .
21 So writing is not unique in this respect .
22 There are all sorts of reasons for giving the less direct answer : B may want to establish that the fact that the reading was not done was not due to laziness .
23 The fire from which the smoke came was not far from the hut door and the air was rank with the smell of pelts drying .
24 The intensely provincial , Catholic and Nationalist environment within which the DHAC operated was not conducive to its kind of class-based , quasi-Marxist political rhetoric which would , ten years earlier , probably have unleashed a backlash that it would have found difficult to survive ; even the mild leftism of Stephen McGonagle had in the past made him an object of suspicion among Derry Catholics .
25 coast of Benbecula and S. Uist ( Ritchie , 1966 , 1979 , 1985 ; Currie , 1979 ) also suggest that the frequency of westerly storms must have been less prior to 4000 B.P. As Currie ( 1979 p. 227 ) suggests , ‘ the stumps remaining are not likely to be an indication of forest , but rather the evidence of such sheltered locations where small woods survived the climatic conditions , often in areas which are now submerged by the sea ’ .
26 ( c ) The law is , therefore , that persons who obtain goods by presenting a cheque which they know will be dishonoured are not guilty of theft .
27 There are just nine of them , and the constraints they impose are not over-specific about what groups may look like .
28 Detailed clauses ensured that ( i ) the President once elected could not be a member of a political party ; ( ii ) the military were denied seats in the Senate ; ( iii ) members of the Securitate and militia bodies guilty of repression and public officials guilty of abuses were not eligible for election ; ( iv ) candidates for election to the Assembly of Deputies had to be over 21 years of age and for the presidency and Senate over 30 , with no upper age limit ; ( v ) prisoners and the mentally handicapped were not eligible for election or to vote ; ( vi ) independent candidates were eligible to stand for the Senate and Assembly if supported by at least 250 electors and for the presidency if supported by 100,000 electors ; ( vii ) the votes of Romanian citizens abroad via diplomatic missions , consulates or trade agencies would be treated as votes cast in the city of Bucharest ; ( viii ) the financing of political parties from abroad was forbidden ; ( ix ) strict procedures would be applied to check and validate nominations ; ( x ) hours of polling would be from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m .
29 Baumgarten is not opportunistic with this installation .
30 erm you know the , what they wish to express is not available on the
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