Example sentences of "[verb] be [adj] for [num] " in BNC.

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1 IBIsys has been available for four years and has around 15,000 customers scattered across Italy , Europe , Canada , South Africa and Australia .
2 We are now getting close to the flanks of Akka , a seven-peaked mountain that has been visible for four or five days .
3 Maitre Lelièpvre has been married for 60 years , and has a son .
4 Mr McNally : ‘ This investigation has been ongoing for five months .
5 This usage has been current for 20 years .
6 The currency has been stable for six months .
7 But Anne Rogers whose son James has been unconscious for six years says the ruling just puts pressure on her to do the same thing .
8 We are trying to populate a land which has been derelict for two thousand years with a people which has been scattered for two thousand years .
9 In case police behaviour changes as new procedures and rules become familiar , then whole research exercise will be repeated again after the Act has been operational for eighteen months ( summer 1987 ) .
10 The life of the farming families here has been harsh for hundreds of years but this harshness has been intensified by the laws on land inheritance and land revenue introduced by the British , which have already been described .
11 The elementary school has been open for twelve years offering the children of US service staff a throughly American education .
12 He has attempted to come off on several occasions and at the time of interview was undergoing methadone withdrawal and has been heroin-free for two months . ‘
13 She keeps her boyfriend , who has been unemployed for four years .
14 Haim Scheider , an economist who left Lithuania 10 years ago , has been unemployed for 18 months , but still has no regrets .
15 By the death , at the age of 66 , of Mr. Philip Henry Thomas which took place after a long illness , on Saturday the 18th instant , at his residence at 13 Rusham Road , Battersea loses a citizen who has been active for 40 years in championing the cause of Liberalism in this borough … .
16 The former Teesside and District Society for the Blind workshop has been empty for six years and is a magnet for vandals .
17 And it 's particularly , I think , acute in the parish of Saint Mary 's and Saint John 's because the vicarage has been empty for two years and erm they built a new house , it was more it was cheaper to build a new house than to do the old one up , but there it 's been sat , empty for two years , and erm they 've been trying to find a buyer .
18 It was later occupied by the Earls of Cromarty and the MacKenzies of Ardloch-Assynt , but has been empty for 200 years .
19 District authorities in Devon banned the jump in the county because of fears over the type of crane to be used , said Mr Collier , who has been blind for 22 years .
20 District authorities in Devon banned the jump in the county because of fears over the type of crane to be used , said Mr Collier , who has been blind for 22 years .
21 The danger , that , that , that , look what nature 's done in bloody Sutherfield these days , roll up that fucking volcano , the , it has been dormant for six hundred years , and all of a sudden it explodes , explodes .
22 Surely the hon. Gentleman would expect an inspector commenting on school buildings to do so in proper context by drawing attention to the fact that deterioration , about which we are all concerned , has been prevalent for 40 or 50 years , and sometimes much longer .
23 Thus political diversity at the local level , crystallizing around the politics of local government , has been widespread for one hundred and fifty years .
24 My son has been dead for three years .
25 Britain has been responsible for 52 per cent of all inventions worldwide in the past 30 years , according to a survey conducted by the Japanese Ministry of International Trade and Industry .
26 Benjamin Libet of the University of California at San Francisco has been responsible for two sets of experiments which are often cited as crucial evidence in the debate about the relationship between brain and mind .
27 But she never suspecting it was , you know , when they 'd been alright for seven years you
28 Many of the country lanes were so narrow that it would not have been possible for two vehicles to pass each other , but after half an hour , they cut into the main road that ran south from Cherbourg to Carentan .
29 ‘ It would have been possible for one of w to have poisoned his food , perhaps .
30 Just a few months ago walking like this would have been impossible for 12 year old Ashley Smith .
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