Example sentences of "[verb] be [noun sg] [unc] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Most marked has been Sun 's reluctance to concede any ground to OSF 's Motif interface , even though many Sun users clearly prefer that graphical environment over Sun 's Open Look GUI .
2 One spin-off of the miners ' strike has been management 's disappointment ( see House of Commons Energy Committee , January 1988 ; comments by Sir Robert Haslam , Chairman of British Coal ) with pit deputies responsible for health and safety , who are members of NACODS .
3 ‘ No , my dear , they are concerned with ratings and as you stand by the sink drowned in misery you may console yourself that your loss has been radio 's gain .
4 From clogged skies to choked motorways , from Clapham Junction to the Marchioness , Mr Prescott has been Labour 's voice of protest on an issue that has moved to the heart of the ‘ quality of life ’ agenda increasingly dominating the political agenda .
5 The noise must have attracted the attention of the people in the pub because the next thing I heard was Dad 's voice booming above the bedlam .
6 There was a gap while Cobalt was talking and all they heard was Rain 's murmur of interest .
7 Polston 's goal grabbed the headlines but it could so easily have been Villa 's Garry Parker who was the hero of the night .
8 Pushing the wheelbarrow should have been child 's play , but I still could not get the hang of it .
9 Genes might have been nature 's gift in the past , but this is the economicaly mature late twentieth-century .
10 This was — or , at least , had been Forester 's field .
11 How often , in my past life , I had claimed that one of the great benefits the nineteenth century had conferred on the West had been science 's liberation of thought and feeling from organized religion .
12 She thought now , she might be better to go and sit with Nan-Nan who had been Mama 's nurse but who in spite of that was not so very old .
13 The deceased had been Daddy 's girl , then — although it was usually the dads , where a daughter was in question , who fought against the realization of the truth .
14 had been Pilgrim 's Progress .
15 What it does n't currently offer is Unix SVR4 compatibility , and Solbourne commits only to a gradual migration to Solaris over a two year period .
16 October 1 : DC-7B lost was TBM Inc/US Forest Service example N848D .
17 Her first indication that they had stopped was Fen 's voice close at hand and then his hand on her head , stroking her hair .
18 I , that have been love 's whip ;
19 It is also helpful if it can be shown there have been arm 's length negotiations between management and the institutions and that the price benefit to management ( ie the fact that management acquire control of Newco but pay no more per share than the institutions and/or pay less than 50% of the price for more than 50% of the equity ) derives from those negotiations , rather than from management 's employment by Target .
20 She 's been Mum 's friend since they were kids , ’ he said .
21 If The Redskins are the Clash of the new soul , what we need is soul 's Sex Pistols , a group that can work from soul 's unrealism , its dangerous ecstasy , to make unreasonable demands .
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