Example sentences of "[verb] be [pron] [pron] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Yes , even in Minnie , who 's so unlikely that she 's probably true — there probably has been someone who grew up as she did , saloon-wise and card-sharping yet quite sure that she wants nothing to do with the kind of messing around she 's seen under her parents ’ roof .
2 ‘ All I want to know is what you did with the information Nadine sold you . ’
3 What we do n't know is what they had in common that made them end up where they did . ’
4 The measure of life events used was one which had been developed by Brown over a number of years and represents a major methodological improvement over previous approaches .
5 The method of lexical representation used was one which allowed efficient representation and search .
6 All he had done was what she had told him to do and when he phoned from the motorway to tell her he 'd done it she 'd gone mad !
7 And all she could repeat was what she had said to the ambulance men .
8 If he had spoken of forgiving , or pitying , or even loving , she would have been ready for him , but to be needed was something she had not looked for .
9 What you hear is what we played . ’
10 That the gulf existed was something she had known all along , so what she had overheard and the realisation it brought with it should n't be causing tears to prick behind her eyes as she opened the cupboard in the study that adjoined Faye and Bill 's bedroom , and got out the testing kit she had come for .
11 Must have been something we 'd eaten .
12 If he was thus eligible for that title , there must have been something which qualified him — something which distinguished him from the numerous other leaders , both military and political , who at the time were themselves becoming thorns in the Roman side .
13 It must have been something he 'd seen his mother do .
14 It might have been what you said .
15 He instantly spotted the ‘ yorker ’ delivered by the man from BBC Wales — in effect , that the England match could not have been one he expected to win at the start of the season , therefore the Scottish match must have been on the credit side of the ledger .
16 It should have been me what found her really . ’
17 Sammy said must have been me he said all I said to him here are Ton here 's a mug of tea , mug for a mug
18 When he tried to upstage her she sauntered down to the front of the stage and such was her control over the audience now , he had to back off , otherwise it would have been he who looked ridiculous .
19 That being so , since it must have been he who had agreed to the interview with Verity magazine 's representative to start with , he must know !
20 ‘ So it could have been he who slipped over the side and did it , ’ Arabella Buckley had promptly declared .
21 It must have been he who telephoned the flat .
22 The principate of Severus probably saw the greatest expansion , and it is perhaps no coincidence that it may have been he who introduced the annona militaris , a tax paid in grain or other materials to meet the needs of the army .
23 ‘ Then it will have been you who decided I should be put in that small room next to your own .
24 Or her attacker may have been someone she did not expect .
25 People are her lifeline ; they would have been whoever she had married .
26 This had a constant length of travel for the carriage and a constant speed , so it could hardly have been anything I did .
27 She told Nigel proudly that Alison could have been anything she wanted , even an air hostess .
28 Badb 's cry was also to be feared as a death omen , it having been she who taught the BANSHEES to keen and wail .
29 I have been on at Desmond about it , as a matter of fact , which I suppose is what she wanted .
30 ’ Clarke came across as a bit of a lad , which I suppose is what he wanted .
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