Example sentences of "[verb] be [adj] [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Among the many others honoured are Olympic oarsman Matthew Pinsent , a lock-keeper who created the Pooh Sticks championships and a typist who works in an insolvency department .
2 Also included are relevant background documents such as the recommendations of the first book , Many Voices , One World , the International Principles of Professional Ethics in Journalism and excerpts from An Information and Communication Policy for Africa .
3 Despite appointing a succession of managers his only return has been one League Cup triumph .
4 The Urban Programme has been one policy instrument through which the government has been able , if only at the margins , to influence the position of black people in the major conurbations .
5 All are back with Parramatta and their father Les has been first grade manager .
6 has responded to those by , for example , over this year there has been closed circuit television at one of the Park and Rides — I think it 's Thornhill — in consultation with the Police , and the Police have told us that that has reduced the number of crimes that have occurred and we have put
7 The average turnround for a passport application in the last year has been six working days .
8 IN THE Collectair office there has been much back correspondence to catch up on .
9 Amidst such massive coverage there has been little television interest in what ordinary people get out of sport .
10 For years the result has been frequent power blackouts for Orcadians as the birds ' elaborate home-making habits — incorporating everything from barbed wire and steel mesh to tin cans and nails — caused the electricity supply to short-circuit .
11 Allan Victor Jones , 51 , of Bangor , who has been chief fire officer of Gwynedd since 1989 is awarded the Queen 's Fire Service Medal .
12 That prospect has been worrying bond investors .
13 In recent years this department has been busier repaying savings to the public than attracting them .
14 Cramming in the goodies but keeping the price below the £19,250 tax barrier has been occupying car makers , Saab among them .
15 Resident at Balbirnie House from day one has been managing director Eric Brown , who initiated the project .
16 Richard , who started work at the University in 1969 as assistant cook in the halls of residence , has been Assistant Catering Manager since 1973 , based at the Revis Barber and Dennis Bellamy Halls , where his deputy , head cook Ian Wade has been ruling the kitchens for 24 years .
17 The result has been that discount deals have proliferated .
18 The result has been that sea walls have had to take the brunt of the power of waves and currents at high tide , which erodes them and requires rebuilding on an ever larger scale .
19 A significant milestone has been that product revenues for the AViiON line finally surpassed those of the proprietary Eclipse MV products .
20 Much of the general comment has been that quality improvement is just common sense and that we have been doing it all of the time anyway .
21 A recurring complaint from industry has been that pension funds are too short-term orientated , to the detriment of the companies in whose shares they deal .
22 Most influential absentee has been top scorer Brett Angell .
23 Most influential absentee has been top scorer Brett Angell .
24 Similarly , Byers 's ( 1987 ) work in the Mount Everest National Park indicates that there has been less forest removal than envisaged and that shrubs/grassland and forested slopes below 4000 m OD are stable .
25 In the studies with gastrin and its analogues an often uncontrolled variable has been gastric acid secretion , although the presence of gastric acid is not essential for a colonic response as it is not abolished by total gastrectomy .
26 Children from Primary 3 upwards do have diaries to keep parents informed if there has been any homework set — but is rarely any until Primary 7 age .
27 In many cases the consequence has been large scale redundancy , and a reduction in size , or contraction , of the organisation .
28 , Scientists at the Dutch Central Veterinary Institute claim to have isolated the cause of the Mystery Reproductive Syndrome ( MRS ) disease which has been sweeping pig herds across much of western Europe over the past few months , leading to the loss of up to 10 per cent of offspring in some herds .
29 The cost has been high interest rates — above German rates and 6 p.c. or 7 p.c. above our own inflation rate — at a time of deep recession .
30 Indeed it has been proposed thatany increase in permeability in patients with inflammatory bowel disease results from polymorphonuclear transmigration through the intestinal mucosa .
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