Example sentences of "[verb] the [noun] [verb] i " in BNC.

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1 and very firmly tightening the grip , without allowing the person to say I do n't like this hand there , I do n't like what you 're doing .
2 Cos the we er did get people contacting the office to say I 've got a lump sum , I 'd like to put it somewhere for a couple of years , and er we always wondered why they 're thinking of a couple of years .
3 I do n't throw the dice do I ?
4 Which is not to say , he wrote , that the present project has any value over and above the others , mine and those of everyone else , I have been into the question of value already and will not return to it now , has any value or that its outcome has any value , I have to repeat this , simply that now , for me , today , after the things I have done and given the time left me , it is the most important thing , it is what , from the time I first picked up a pencil and made a mark on a piece of paper , everything has logically led up to .
5 I think half the people who 've come to see the house suspect I 'm a sitting tenant . ’
6 It would make the people think I was panicking .
7 I 'll make the servants tell me where it is .
8 ‘ Joanna asked the farmer to ring me before they took her away in the ambulance .
9 I asked the management to release me from my contract . ’
10 Thinking quickly , I asked the driver to take me to Clonmacnoise instead , a famous holy city that stood in ruins scattered over a sloping river bank .
11 ‘ So the RUC asked the company to remove me as I was , in their view , a security risk . ’
12 In a modest attempt to amend the damage accumulated over centuries by this pernicious little fiction , I asked the children to give me the Other Version , particularly Eve 's , but Adam 's or God 's as well if they preferred .
13 I asked the conductor to tell me when we came to my stop , and he said , " Lady , you think I got X-ray eyes or something ?
14 He asked the director to get me away from him .
15 ‘ Angel , you are n't going to like this one bit , but you asked the agency to call me as soon as Avanti decided .
16 What I heard every time Barnesy got the ball made me feel really bad for him .
17 come across and got the car going I guarantee .
18 ‘ I was so suprised when I got the letter telling me about the award that I burst into tears , ’ says Joan , a widow .
19 I did not want the man to see me until I had looked closely at him .
20 I do n't want the lads thinking I 'm some sort of wimp , that ca n't cope with a bit of shock . ’
21 I was the black sheep , you see , and Aunt Pamela did n't want the neighbours suspecting I was my father 's son . ’
22 The sentimental side , although well presented by a fine ballad like ‘ Make the Man Love Me ’ , is both overshadowed and made more sugary by the comic element of Cisssie , the heroine 's sister , with her string of ‘ husbands ’ all called Harry and her rosy outlook .
23 Well I only , th I mean the woman made me feel dead small because I said to her you know , she was asking everybody why they 'd come and I said , well I 've only come to give Chris moral support , which was the truth because until about three hours before we went , I did n't even know it was there
24 I mean the Halifax charged me three hundred pounds for this and I 've already got a mortgage with them , so they do n't need to do any sort of er er in depth surveys , or , or , or assessments on the house .
25 I do n't think the policeman saw me .
26 A community worker who helped the family told me :
27 After all this high-profile imagery I had fully expected the Serenade to hit me with a physical force akin to Karajan 's classic BPO digital remake ( DG ) .
28 We should never have let the world think I wrote them .
29 That puling creature has the gall to remind me that Stephen is a consecrated king and should not be treated as a felon .
30 He has the right to redeem me , because he made me !
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