Example sentences of "[verb] the [noun pl] when [pron] " in BNC.

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1 More recently they shared the points when they came face to face in the league opener at Newry .
2 ooh if you upset the doctors when you 're ill , when you 're really ill they wo n't let you into hospital !
3 You are happy ? " she asked the dogs when they returned , relieved and refreshed , to hop bright-eyed and panting into the car .
4 There is still an unspoken assumption that it will be the women who make the sacrifices when it comes to childcare and it is perhaps the thickest glass ceiling of all for many women .
5 Though because perhaps we feel guilty or embarrassed about the whole area of mental health we 're not tackling the problems when they come up nearly as well we might .
6 Yeah so the big thing about this is is getting up to date getting yourself understanding the terms when he says cos squared when he says simple har when he says S H M you think yeah .
7 We 'll need the creds when we go into hiding . ’
8 Norman Swash , a Middlesbrough councillor and former process worker at Wilton , said : ‘ Why have they targeted the pensioners when they make their cuts ?
9 Percy the park-keeper rescues the animals when their old oak tree is blown down in a storm , and the new house he builds for them is presented in a fold-away poster at the end of the book .
10 Are you painting the pictures when you 're asking the questions ? if you could , fine , good empathy , you doing a good fact find , right let's do a presentation shall we , let's see erm , ooh , you do n't know how to ask for the order do you ?
11 Er we did n't always know what was going on but erm , we did catch the planes when they took off in the morning and we watched them come home in the afternoons and we got some ideas sometimes when things had n't gone quite right and I 'm sure we did share with you in your grief .
12 ‘ They lined the rapids when they could , lowering down the boats on a rope .
13 ‘ No , I just remembered you mentioned the baths when we first met . ’
14 Mother used to make a big meal to feed the beaters when they came to unload and help pack the grouse , but the food for the gentry was taken to the moor in large hampers .
15 Pumfrey , respecting the routine of the school , though there was little enough cause to , interviewed the teachers when they had a free period .
16 As the aim of many of the BES assured tenancy companies is eventually to obtain value by selling or redeveloping the properties when they are vacant , it would be useful for shareholders to know what the market value is with vacant possession , even if the present value with tenants in possession is also shown as a note .
17 Contrast the English praise of a widow at a funeral , ‘ she held up well ’ , with the ritualised outpouring of Iranian grief , complete with howling , wailing and tearing of hair — ‘ What am I going to answer the children when you ask me where is their father ?
18 So the horse may feel the need to excel and beat the others when it is galloping with them , to show the others that it is the dominant horse .
19 I 'm gon na do the eyes when it 's finished because the white went all splodgy cos I could n't get the brush in even though I had a tiny brush .
20 A five I do n't count , I only count the ends when I got to the point where I could n't go any further .
21 Ace repressed a shudder , while Howard looked on unaffected , having seen the stones when they first arrived at the university .
22 No , but I noticed the balloons when I came in , I thought , they 've still got those balloons up .
23 There was a vicious irony that it should be Brian , who always confronted the guards when they treated him subhumanly , who was now being abused like a dumb animal .
24 I 'd like the words when they 're crytalised … since thefirst thing my daughter ( now 19months ) learned to do was the arm movements to ‘ ooh aah Cantona ’ , I suppose I should teach her something new … perhaps I 'll modify the last phrase though ; - )
25 We know the details and the w they 're told the facts when we report it and then they 're given a summons .
26 Alternatively , you could make the screens or shutters easily detachable and have one surface painted or covered in fabric so that you could ring the changes when you felt like it or have different ones for summer and winter .
27 The organisers of the visit hope to raise enough money to help the orphans when they return to Russia .
28 What emerged , aside from the technology , which has been widely previewed ( summary inside ) , was a seminal move by USL president Roel Pieper to unify the industry around a desktop Unix to challenge Microsoft Corp NT — threatening to sweep the boards when it finally arrives .
29 Pupil files contain these records together with the brief notes recorded daily by the staff , copies of termly reports , and completed conduct forms which accompany the pupils when they commence a programme of phased re-entry to school .
30 Erm if we get on very well if we get through say that book one on the maths if we get through very well then we can start having a look at what he 's going to do when he goes back so he 'll understand the terms when they 're explained to him
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