Example sentences of "[verb] the [noun sg] [adv] do " in BNC.

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1 Exactly , and then they lose the lot then do n't they ?
2 I suppose your generalisation of ‘ poor ’ golfers likely to hit the ball anywhere does include me .
3 You know I think you always bring the blame back do n't you ?
4 I said a bit , and I never let him know , I thought I 'll wait a little bit until he go so he says to me , he says I bet you do n't know why they put the damper in just before they 'd put the , bring the ball out do you ?
5 Well that 's the sort of composition which immediately begs the question where do these salts come from and where do they go to ?
6 The release is written and sent out in a blanket mailing of all the media outlets on the PR department " Press List " and the PR sits back and thinks the job well done .
7 As was often common after breech births , the afterbirth had not come away as it should have done , and Effie had been so torn during the birth , Dr Neil told her later , that she had started to bleed , and then the bleeding had turned into a violent haemorrhaging , the passage of the afterbirth completing the damage already done to Effie 's poor little body .
8 I want to end by saying that we need now to f go over this hurdle of liberation make sure that the vast majority of black South Africans who are deeply angry and I saw this anger because I was in South Africa when Chris was assassinated and this anger was turning into rage and the country was on a knife edge it could have blown up , the country would have burned had it not been for the diplomatic achievement of , of enormous stature by Nelson Mandela when he addressed the whole nation and in a sense seized power informally from white and black and the country managed to survive that but if that anger turns into rage again then the country could burn and I do n't say this to be dramatic but just to warn that in those moments when the media and so on do n't explain the situation well do n't forget our people because they have had to cope with this situation .
9 Er I think he still covers the area though does n't he ?
10 What has the man ever done to you ? ’
11 Well you should never worry you always manage to find the sunshine somewhere do n't you ?
12 At issue is who owns the reservoir — and who is responsible for ensuring that the leaky embankment that holds the water in does not give way and engulf a street of houses .
13 To answer the question Why does a stone fall to earth ?
14 Cos you put the ribbon in did n't you ?
15 I think they put the rate up did n't they ?
16 You put the light on do n't you ?
17 Willy let the dog out to do what it wants to do .
18 When you let the fire out did you get into trouble ?
19 Well , I had this one bought at Christmas and I 've only just got him persuaded to let me bring the board down to do it downstairs cos you , where are we going to put it ?
20 And he said he would bring the mince in to do the , like give them the money for a pound of mince and a packet of
21 Mm , they hold the flavour better do n't they ?
22 I hope the Authority unanimously do support it .
23 Cos I had n't had the gang then do you see , there was only two of us then .
24 Some children have little idea of how to chew and so parents demonstrating biting and chewing and talking about it shows the child how to do it .
25 The level of benefit was restored and the unemployment Assistance Board created to administer the work previously done by PACs in distributing relief .
26 Do n't like the hairdryer though do you ?
27 I 've I 've just look I 've just got the neck now to do .
28 Her ommission to help the victim definately does not mean that she abetts the crime , or is an accessary to it .
29 Not that much , cos we 're getting the lino off Pete you see , and get the discount off to do the , just for the lino
30 As long as you make the point , and and in the as long as the quotes are grammatical , and as long as you can understand it , the the simple thing about any kind of communication is that you should communicate you know rather than you 're not trying to win the Booker Prize , are you , so just as long as you get the information over do n't worry too much about the , the journalism .
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