Example sentences of "[verb] [being] [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I would be delighted if you would consider being interviewed for the film .
2 Around a third of people in the study reported being affected by the overlapping benefit rules , and this aroused strong feeling of unjustice .
3 then the , the main problem is rent because presumably it all , all starts being creamed off the top so , okay you do n't have to redistribute land , but you can still get rid of the landlords and the people who are erm taking away the surplus
4 I sometimes thought that he would enjoy being mistaken for the one rather than the other , because he disliked the idea of poetry as a ‘ profession ’ : an attitude which some lesser figures found puzzling .
5 Just as you may resent being disturbed in the college library , so fellow students do n't enjoy being interrupted in the middle of some important piece of work .
6 Against this background Robert Fleck left East Anglia on a family holiday to Yugoslavia , resigned to fact that he had narrowly missed being selected for the Scotland World Cup squad at Italia ‘ 90 .
7 There was so much enraged violence in the action that Isabel knew she had missed being hurled across the church by that powerful arm only because of fitzAlan 's self-control .
8 Also reaffirmed was a commitment to protect the environment and to the creation of a new regional ecological order , support being expressed for the Costa Rican government 's proposal calling on the UN to establish a Council of the Planet Earth during the UN Conference on Environment and Development in Brazil in 1992 .
9 Some patients , perhaps especially those who express anxiety about the risk of fire or who are known to have experienced a fire , may welcome being told about the fire precautions in the ward .
10 We can expect being cheated by the Tories , but Mr Quinn can perhaps explain how his party can always find money to pay for perks and excursions to faraway places for councillors and £3.5m expenditure upon the County Hall .
11 Tough and tender Kathryn takes gold IMAGINE being lost in the wild stretches of the Scottish Highlands , icy northern wind beating heavily against your face and sheets of splintering rain biting deep into your face .
12 He imagined being shot in the water and it closing over his head , filling his mouth and lungs , the last moments of life choked out of him .
13 The subtle effects of centuries of propaganda will not be easily overcome , but we could make a start by looking more honestly at the reality of war and stop being blinded by the glamour .
14 Corbett could smell the heavy , thick fragrance of those mouth-watering dishes he had seen being prepared in the kitchen .
15 Others love a day by the sea or an afternoon in the country ; and many most enjoy being taken to the homes of relatives or friends for a meal .
16 Erm what place erm does the convenor see being made in the legal processes to make available to estranged couples the opportunity for erm voluntary conciliation between the parties ?
17 It is a recognized component of rituals of healing we can still see being practised by the wise men , witch doctors and shamans in ‘ primitive ’ societies and sometimes in the spiritual healing work of evangelical preachers .
18 Similarly , within the civil service the engineer or architect may resent being bound by the rules and regulations of administrative practices and accountability rather than those of the profession .
19 Hari felt the impulse to ruffle William 's hair but she knew he would resent being treated like the child he was , boys grew up quickly in the harsh realities of World 's End .
20 Just as you may resent being disturbed in the college library , so fellow students do n't enjoy being interrupted in the middle of some important piece of work .
21 Nor did she like being summoned to the cabin next door , but Penrose was a leading Wren .
22 he does n't l like being tied to the bench does he ?
23 Does n't like being put on the spot and adopts conceptualising and abstract thinking to counter this .
24 NOTE Men may not like being taken to the toilet by a woman , nor a woman by a man .
25 She had a very jolly time in Korea and she does not like being photographed by the Press .
26 You did n't like being woken in the middle of the night for ice cream , but you sat up and ate it in bed before it melted to please your father .
27 The clients appreciate being kept in the picture , even if their stay can not be made shorter .
28 It is as a result of fears such as this that members of the RUC are required to obtain official permission before they cam talk to outsiders , such as the Press and researchers , or face being sacked from the force .
29 It was Dr Who that provided the young Loveday with his earliest musical revelations , as he can remember being transfixed by the time travelling adventures and the theme music ( an early outing into electronic music composed by the legendary Ron Grainer and the BBC Radiophonic Workshop ) .
30 She swore she could remember being dropped on the floor by the doctor who delivered her .
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