Example sentences of "[verb] [pn reflx] [adv prt] [prep] one " in BNC.

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1 He 'll be cheering himself up in one or the other place by now without a backward glance .
2 Rufus had propped himself up on one elbow , watching .
3 Betrayed by that shit Sarah Walker who was once his landlord 's daughter , plunged into crippling debt , mocked by polite society and dinner-table assassins , tortured by a cancer of the stomach , he could still prop himself up on one elbow in a room as shabby as this one and say exultantly ‘ Well , I 've had a happy life ! ’
4 He lifted himself on to one elbow , looking down at her ; a finger of light from the street-lamp outside crept between the curtains , touching her face .
5 He lifted himself on to one elbow and looked down at her .
6 Suppressing a grunt of pain , Defries lifted herself on to one elbow and looked round .
7 She lifted herself up on one elbow and looked down at his , at his face drawn with sorrow and the love that would sacrifice itself for her selfishness — and so needlessly .
8 Gazzer , a strange , urgent little figure , hurrying among them with a bloodstained rag round his right hand , dressed in filthy black trousers and a black anorak , made one or two people shield their eyes against the sun and , with lazy curiosity , prop themselves up on one elbow to follow his progress through the gardens .
9 The cigarette glowed again in the dark , and he hitched himself up on one elbow and ground it out on the earth .
10 He raised himself on to one elbow so that he could look down into her eyes .
11 At last , Rourke moved , propping himself up on one elbow so that he could gaze down at her .
12 Stumbling slightly , she moved out of the way , propping herself up against one of the big windows .
13 They have used them already to build communal tents , to extrude life-lines guiding them over plants , or ropes to let themselves down from one twig to another .
14 ‘ All right , ’ she concedes , slightly breathless , dealing with a shirt that has unaccountably unbuttoned itself , before letting herself out of one door and into the other .
15 He awoke towards evening , put on fresh clothes and took himself out to one of the modest eating houses that lined the bank of the river on either side of the harbour .
16 And I 've cut myself down to one .
17 And he 'd er worked himself up from one lace machine until he 'd got twelve .
18 Harry propped himself up on one elbow and pulled open the top drawer of the bedside cabinet .
19 She squatted beside him , as he propped himself up on one elbow to scowl back at her .
20 She propped herself up on one elbow .
21 She propped herself up on one elbow and looked down at his face in the starlight , her mind tangling on the mental arithmetic .
22 She has put she 's put herself down for one day at the end of her accounts to learn about accountancy and as Ian pointed out , it 's it 's it 's not a lot .
23 Half a dozen guards hurtled through it , spread out and flung themselves down on one knee .
24 But Nick was working himself up into one of his states , and she had to harden her heart .
25 As Mrs Cohen sat herself down on one of the wooden kitchen chairs , a basin between her feet , and commenced with some savagery to pluck the feathers from the hen 's carcass , Judith made no comment .
26 She pushed herself up on one elbow and , a strong arm behind her back , he helped her into a sitting position .
27 She pushed herself up on one elbow and said impishly , ‘ The bread smells wonderful . ’
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