Example sentences of "[verb] [pn reflx] [adv prt] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 I 've often speculated since on what would have happened if we 'd just given ourselves up at this point .
2 Doug Cantwell , chairman of West Wiltshire Conservatives , said yesterday : ‘ We have to do our best to pull ourselves out of this recession and tighten our belts .
3 The North of England has the capacity to pull itself out of such a mire , and surely wants the chance to exert its muscle to do so .
4 You 've got to shake yourself out of this dream . ’
5 Garner and Croft were by now both injured , but West Indies suddenly found themselves up against some determination .
6 Ideology , defined as the control over certain potential media of objectification in society by interest groups such that those who externalize themselves on to those media are unable to recognize that section of themselves , is a common historical phenomenon .
7 They paddled out carrying some kedges for craft that would then tow themselves off to these anchors , and with nothing more to be done on Z Red beach they paddled round to Z Green .
8 Instead , she 's got Tommy and Iain dancing around her flat to UB40 at full volume , heavy on the bass , psyching themselves up for another night of action on the by-ways of Pinner Green .
9 It 's a bit of oh my God , I did n't realize we let ourselves in for that much and I , I do n't think that 's quite fair of us , although I think we , we had a but some operating companies were , have certainly realized that they had erm material potential liabilities down the track led to redesign .
10 Yet to set ourselves up in such a manner contradicts our cherished notion of being part of the community . ’
11 Consider a rebel stretch of human DNA that is capable of snipping itself out of its chromosome , floating freely in the cell , perhaps multiplying itself up into many copies , and then splicing itself into another chromosome .
12 Evelyn had wrought herself up to such a pitch that she was utterly unprepared for this turn of events .
13 But her heart , her poor , long-neglected heart , had answered yes , before her head had even begun to calculate all the reasons she absolutely could not and should not give herself over to this madness .
14 This time , alas , there is little to cheer and they need to pick themselves up for this Saturday 's basement battle against Chester .
15 And McCall , the driving force in Rangers ' 2–1 European Cup win at Elland Road , said : ‘ Leeds have great character and ability and I hope they go on to do well this season , but it will be difficult for them to pick themselves up from this .
16 ‘ I do n't know if a lot of men put themselves up against that . ’
17 That means the jets have priced themselves out of many markets the world over .
18 And all the little blobs that had looked like cotton wool became , as he touched them , bunches of cherry blossom , tinged with pink , so real that you could almost smell them , almost imagine yourself out of this noisy workshop and waling between trees at dawn .
19 Finland , bound by its treaty of friendship with the Soviet Union , effectively ruled itself out of any participation for the time being .
20 Perhaps it goes through a tunnel and squirts itself out into another universe somewhere else .
21 He wears himself out with these people .
22 He immediately cuts himself off from those ambitious city men who try ‘ to win the palm , the oak , or bays , ’ emblematic of the rewards given for artistic , political and military achievement .
23 The West Indies captain was applauded all the way to the wicket , then seemed to play himself back into some sort of form .
24 A toddler who learns that a fit of anger or temper brings her mother 's anxious ministrations , or the limelight of being the centre of attention for a roomful of people , will work herself up into more tempers .
25 Intellectual fashions may work themselves through without any very serious consequences ( what impact has structuralism had outside academe ? ) , but professional fashions ( for example , in architecture , child-rearing and teaching ) can have far-reaching effects .
26 The 34-year-old former Liverpool and Blackburn star has been unable to fix himself up with another club since the summer , but the Robins ' boss is lining him up for a reserve game against Walsall next week .
27 ( A few years later he was to complain about Eden wearing himself out by this frivolity . )
28 Within sight of the goal , a whole generation cut itself off from all that was promised .
29 I look as if I 've made an about-turn but in terms of simple logistics it 's getting itself out of all proportion . ’
30 Yeah , see this is the wiper this should well assure itself back to that one .
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