Example sentences of "[verb] [pn reflx] [prep] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 On thirty seven minutes though , Paul Biddle should have made it two nil as he found himself with just the Fairmile goalkeeper to beat , but stupidly played it wide for Brian Marland , but his final pass was poor and Fairmile 's Kevin Shepherd was able to clear the ball from the danger area .
2 The nascent Welsh revival has been sparked by a pack at last able to impose itself upon both the French and the Irish .
3 She 'd managed to psych herself into just the proper frame of mind for a confrontation , but there was no guarantee that it would last .
4 Members do not have to renounce their allegiance to other religions : they must simply pledge themselves to further the aims of the goddess , which could be summarised broadly as feminist , ecological and back-to-the-earth .
5 If each area could provide itself with just the quantity of the good that it requires , these deadweight losses could be avoided .
6 Then a curious thing happened — England suddenly began to win , with nine of the next ten meetings going their way , and even while their Test form was wretched somehow turned themselves into perhaps the best one-day side in the world .
7 Limiting oneself to just the products that run on the standard graphics card , be it colour or monochrome , reduces the options to a mere handful .
8 The guard never even knew that he opened the door and locked himself in once the Doctor had gone .
9 If the therapist had approached the problem in this way she may well have avoided alienating herself from both the patient and her parents and thereby becoming largely ineffective .
10 Merchant princes did not forget their native towns and counties and the people there who might want for the means of providing themselves with even the most basic tools of their trade .
11 Commissioned in May of 1986 , this vessel has distinguished herself in both the U.S. and European cruising circuits .
12 ‘ And , as a result , we now find ourselves with perhaps the best assets in Europe .
13 That can not be said of the SNP , which campaigned with zest and intelligence , and yet finds itself with only the same three seats that it won in 1987 .
14 But , avidly staring , he persuaded himself into both the disappointment and the relief of recognizing that the girl possessed the kind of grace or innate innocence which made it very unlikely — no , impossible ! filthily impossible ! — that her young breasts and thighs were commodities available for temporary hire .
15 When you offer a piece of information , you do n't commit yourself in quite the same way that you do when you propose or suggest an idea .
16 But I am worried at the concept of a course of study , such as a National Curriculum , which restricts itself to only the traditional well-trodden roads .
17 Doctors protect themselves against even the remote possibility of failing to spot a disease and being sued for it by sending their patients for every test in the book .
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