Example sentences of "[verb] [adj -er] and [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Since the formation of the system there have been eleven exchange rate realignments , the last one implemented in January 1987 ; ( b ) inducing a reduction of , and an increasing degree of convergence among members countries ' inflation rates ; ( c ) generating , as a result of ( a ) and ( b ) , a greater degree of real exchange rate predictability ; ( d ) encouraging lower and more convergent national money supply growth rates ; ( e ) reducing the variability of national inflation , money supply growth and interest rates .
2 I found no difficulty at all in believing both these things , having been forced to extend my capacity for credibility to accommodate stranger and more terrible inconsistencies .
3 A more sophisticated girl would have realised that her enthusiasm was being ruthlessly exploited as the tasks she was given became broader and more demanding , but Constance happily did everything she was told .
4 As clothes grow simpler and less important , the human factor becomes dominant , and there Bruce is quite unique in daring to portray a reality that is seldom seen in fashion magazines . "
5 Thus I Broke Off a Golden Branch , which incorporates Croatian folk melody , begins by seducing the ear with warm string tone and lilting piano colouring which grows , the rhythms becoming tougher and more insistent , the emotional tension mounting .
6 We will seek fairer and more rational ways of determining public sector pay within clearly defined budget limits .
7 Sparrowhawk ( p. 75 ) has shorter and more rounded wings than female Kestrel , and quite different hunting techniques .
8 A tan acquired slowly not only looks nicer and more natural , but it lasts longer and rarely peels .
9 Voice mellower and more bell-like than other grey geese , with which it usually consorts in Europe .
10 The air raids were becoming heavier and more frequent .
11 All-male groups subject to a resistant collection of small stable harems led by assertive young adults may become relatively nomadic and move to areas where the population cycle is in a different phase and contains larger and less stable harems .
12 The dream lingered through the endless moments while I trudged up the clinging sand , seeing our little cottage grow larger and more ominous , till suddenly it was if the film director grew tired and cut to me opening the cupboard door and peeping out .
13 While the so-called ‘ superminis ’ — cars like the Peugeot 205 and the new Ford Fiesta — grow larger and more expensive , the Eastern bloc car makers have quietly crept in to capitalise on the market for more affordable transport .
14 Once farrowed , sows stay with their litter for several days , then begin to leave the nest after about a week as the piglets grow larger and more troublesome .
15 Bands were becoming self-contained , responsible for their own material and instrumentation , vocal performers were becoming younger and more individualistic , and from American music came a greater awareness of social issues in the confines of the pop song .
16 By the early sixties , however , building projects were becoming larger and more complex and new technology was having a dramatic effect on construction methods .
17 Quite simply , computers are becoming cheaper and more powerful all the time .
18 After nearly five minutes , Louise started to calm down , her breathing slowly becoming shallower and more regular .
19 As children grow older and more articulate , it becomes easier to reason with them and they are better able ( if you find the time ) to explain their needs to you .
20 Voice softer and more musical than Crane , ‘ krouk , krouk ’ .
21 Wagner 's appeal is becoming stronger and more general and the association of his name with Schopenhauer 's indicates a new degree of commendation .
22 You will begin to react less self-destructively to ‘ outside ’ pressures , becoming stronger and more resourceful in the face of adversity .
23 Their cries rose louder and more urgent now in their primitive longing for meat .
24 She looked at him , her eyes opening wider and then wider .
25 Also slenderer and has narrower and slightly shorter tail with underside paler and breast of both sexes sometimes almost unspotted .
26 Manufacturers were producing bigger and more powerful cars , and the rules , although crude , divided the cars into two categories — heavyweight and lightweight — those over 400 kg ( 882lb ) being classed as heavyweight .
27 He learned , too , how the soil became damper and less resonant as both species gradually abdicated before the tattered white willows which marched thirstily alongside the streams that tumbled towards the river .
28 The look in her eyes has grown gayer and more desperate .
29 Power stations can be made cleaner and more efficient , so that they use less fossil fuel , particularly high carbon coal ; energy can be used more economically by the consumer ; and there is nuclear energy ( the subject of the following chapter ) , which whatever else it is capable of doing , does not produce carbon dioxide .
30 It does have the side-effect of making things feel stiffer and less responsive , though , and I 'd probably be inclined to leave this item off my own custom shopping list .
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