Example sentences of "[verb] [been] make [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 No satisfactory response has been made to that research .
2 Where a capital sum is paid to the settlor in the year of assessment by a body corporate connected with the settlement in that year it shall be assumed until the contrary is shown that an associated payment of an amount not less than the amount of the capital sum has been made to that body corporate by the trustees of the settlement ( s678(7) ) .
3 The association between smoking and cervical neoplasia , however , remains after adjustment has been made for such sexual risk factors .
4 An appointment has been made for this morning , but there is expected to be a delay before results are known .
5 The majority of delegations have nevertheless said they are in favour of including such consequences within the scope of the law of contracts , but in order to take account of the opposition expressed provision has been made for any contracting state to enter a reservation on this matter : article 22(1) ( b ) .
6 Management considers that adequate provision has been made for any liability which may arise in respect of the years 1981 to 1983 .
7 No provision has been made for any taxation liability that would arise is these assets were disposed of at their revalued amount .
8 No one has yet argued that the attitudes of nineteenth-century working class wives ‘ modernised ’ , although such a case has been made for both young , single working class women and middle class wives .
9 Officers say progress has been made with many of the objectives , and initiatives on surveying public opinion and other upgrading will be researched and developed this year .
10 A start has been made on this process .
11 If we return to our example , we can see that if a subject hears Forgive us our tres … and a decision has been made at this point that the incomplete word is trespasses , the subject can begin to say trespasses and ignore the rest of the word .
12 To date very little practical use has been made of such general relations because of the vast amount of experimental work required to test any but the simplest expansion in two or three terms .
13 ‘ There is pressure on me , but too much has been made of that .
14 Not much has been made of this migration , some ethnic tension apart , and even less of the fact that in the years since the second world war it has been essential for western European economic life .
15 Too much has been made of this by Western critics .
16 I agree entirely with my hon. Friend , and so does every independent study and assessment that has been made of this matter .
17 In the Netherlands steady progress has been made towards this objective , with a significant drop in numbers of extra-regional placements between 1970 and 1983 ( Ploeg , 1986 ) .
18 ‘ Where an unpaid seller has made part delivery of the goods , he may exercise his lien or right of retention on the remainder , unless such part delivery has been made under such circumstances as to show an agreement to waive the lien or right of retention . ’
19 The other Non-academic Parties will also notify the Lead Organization of the sale or transfer out of the Project of any capital equipment for which any claim for payment has been made under this Agreement .
20 Despite the considerable progress that has been made under this Government in encouraging employee share ownership , will the Minister take careful note of the recent KPMG Management Consulting report which shows ways in which the qualifying employee-share option trusts can be made more flexible and therefore likely to be more widely used by companies and available to more employees in subsequent years of Conservative government ?
21 This is indeed unfortunate , but in a society where race and colour has been made into such an issue , for those children there are no ‘ in-betweens ’ .
22 A similar conclusion has been made about many of the private research institutes , like the Rand Corporation and the Brookings and Hudson Institutes .
23 No comparison has been made between this group and parents of H pylori negative children , but work from other sources provides serological evidence for an increased prevalence of infection in family contacts .
24 That point has been made by many business organisations .
25 Some effort has been made by some libraries to assist libraries and institutions with user education programmes , for example , universities and polytechnics for schools , and public libraries also for schools , 2 but this expresses local efforts of co-operation , rather than the submission that user education is a continuous process which takes place throughout the various educational sectors and beyond .
26 A further point in relation to the accusation of the ethnocentricity of Freud 's assumptions about gender roles has been made by some people in the Women 's Movement , such as Kate Millet and Ann Oakley .
27 Steady progress has been made in many authorities in integrating some of the statemented children ( the two per cent ) into mainstream primary schools .
28 Although progress has been made in many areas , especially in removing technical barriers to the free movement of goods , and in the liberalisation of financial services , much remains to be done .
29 A small step has been made in that direction .
30 Such a way of proceeding has much to recommend it , but scant progress has been made in that direction .
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