Example sentences of "[verb] [been] [to-vb] [pos pn] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For those not au fait with the aims of the Dick-Nixs , they 're an LA band whose purpose in life has been to see their namesake Tricky Dicky re-instated to his true position in life .
2 ‘ Magnus 's mother has been to see your mother , ’ she said .
3 His achievement has been to turn their jobs into achievement opportunities for making profit .
4 The oddity of the British achievement has been to turn its sense of social conformity into an international commodity .
5 Cronenberg 's way of filming the unfilmable has been to arrange his material in a pulp noir format , laced with hallucinations , corrupt characters , and local colour ( local being studio-recreated Tangier ) .
6 The university 's smart answer has been to withhold their degrees , but a law student is currently taking them to court , claiming violation of his rights .
7 Our response to the poor performance has been to accelerate our programmes for reducing costs and raising productivity .
8 The blight of western civilization has been to divorce our thought from our emotions .
9 I 'd been to see my great-aunt 's solicitors in Glasgow and they gave me the keys .
10 He 'd been to see his girlfriend in Southampton and was on his way to see his parents in Sheffield .
11 and she said no she 'd been to pay her poll tax over there , she said she 'd had a rest in one of the shops over there on the way
12 ‘ Glad would he have been to know its fate who wrought it slowly long ago ’ , comments the narrator ; and his comment shows that the ancient smith was not glad , did not know , was condemned to defeat and death and oblivion in the barrows .
13 How satisfying it would have been to vent her feelings in one sharp slap of that carved-ivory face !
14 It was the second major concession by the President , the first having been to abandon his election campaign pledge of no new taxes .
15 That afternoon she had been to see her doctor in Paris .
16 Graham Hunsley , defending , said he was now off hard drugs , had been to see his doctor about the problem and was hoping to undergo treatment at an addiction centre .
17 Filmer , I was interested to see , had been to see his horse before departure .
18 The treaty defining relations between West and East Germany ( 1972 ) represented a rejection of Adenauer on two key issues : first , it accepted the legitimacy and moral equivalence of East Germany , and secondly it saw accommodation with East Germany as the key to peace in Europe , whereas Adenauer 's policy had been to turn his back on East Germany in the name of freedom and democracy .
19 This was thought by trade unionists to be inconsistent with the leading decision of ten years before which had protected employers ' associations from conspiracy on the ground that the acts had been done ‘ with the lawful object of protecting and extending their trade and increasing their profits ’ without employing unlawful means , although the consequence had been to injure their competitors .
20 Here again Iran 's strategic aim had been to render its opponent harder to govern .
21 Mr Lighten was concerned about his business and had been to meet his bankers . ’
22 Had the worm understood how lucky he had been to share his bed with two such strong women ?
23 Thus his first action on returning to the Questura the day before had been to send his inspectors out to question the people living in the houses along the road to Cannara and talk to the local farmers , just in case anyone had seen anything .
24 Mr Donovan 's motive had been to clear his name , not to close the magazine .
25 I 've been to see my mentor four times !
26 ‘ I 've been to see your husband , ’ she said — I did n't like that at all — ‘ and he asked me to tell you that if you do n't return home by the end of the week he is going to join forces with Kirsty Bull : she 's coming to live in and look after your children . ’
27 Almost , in the midst of the new apartment that she hated as much as he did , though it had been decorated to her own specifications , she said , ‘ I have been to see my son . ’
28 ‘ Uncle Ross and I have been to see your mummy and daddy — and they are going to be just fine . ’
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