Example sentences of "[verb] [been] [adv] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It 's an aircraft which has been rarely out of the headlines in it 's 25 years with the RAF .
2 The surprise choice for the New Zealand tour was Michael Bradley , a scrum-half who has been completely out of international reckoning over the past few seasons .
3 It is also evident from the available statistics that Sandy Lyle has been completely out of sorts with his game .
4 SINCE she won the French championships three months ago , Monica Seles has been relatively out of form ( she 'll probably win the U.S. now I 've said that ) .
5 We must have been right out in the sticks .
6 Everywhere an unspoken question seemed to hang heavily in the air : Would we have been better off without Home Rule ?
7 He 'd have been better off to of crawled back down there and apologise
8 Perhaps he would have been better off with a pencil !
9 ‘ No one in particular , but I thought she 'd have been better off with a chap of her own age who would have wanted her to carry on where she was .
10 Perhaps she would have been better off with the old humbug after all .
11 I reckon I 'd have been better off with them , they do n't try to hang one on you …
12 But at the same time one can not help feeling that Proofs is the kind of story that would have been better off as a three-page essay in Granta .
13 Maybe after all he 'd have been better off like his Dad , quietly pushing papers round a desk in an office at the Gas Board for nine hours a day for nearly fifty years .
14 As far as the urban working class was concerned they may well have been better off in the fifteenth century than they had been previously or were to be later .
15 For that matter , she might not have been far out in thinking him impudent ; his manner was innocence itself , his deference if anything delicately overdone , as though he were ready to come down off his high horse the moment she came down off hers , and did n't anticipate that the descent need be long delayed .
16 Hewlett-Packard Co shares plunged a week or so back after a warning that its fiscal third quarter earnings to July 31 would be flat , and the news that it posted a net of $191m or 76 cents a share , compared with $192m or 76 cents a share last year , suggests that times have become exceedingly hard in the Unix market this summer , and that Sun Microsystems ' weak fiscal fourth quarter ( UX No 397 ) may not have been solely down to product line transitions .
17 I had sold the contents of the cottages to the incoming purchaser , as well as several large pieces from the melin which would have been quite out of place in a modern house .
18 This was not Paul Lexington pushing the boat out for the cast , which would have been very out of character ; it was for the ticket agencies .
19 The Government could scarcely have been more out of touch with the people at large , and was still , in any case , terrified that Jacobinism might even then give rise to a revolution at any moment .
20 A Great White would have been less out of place .
21 A mock letter , which would have been totally out of place in the serious political context of the Young Socialists , declared :
22 If Tim Sherwood 's long range blast in the 73rd minute had gone in instead of smacking against the bar , it would have been all up for United .
23 It must have been all over in a few seconds .
24 You should have been there back in seventy-nine .
25 The sterling/ Deutschmark rate would seem to have been particularly out of kilter when account is taken of the rise in Britain 's unit costs against those of Germany .
26 For Julius , in particular , it had been completely out of character , that headlong dash into such an intense relationship .
27 He had been seriously out of line , he was told ; meddling in dangerous and delicate situations where he had no business ; going way beyond his brief .
28 In fact , I had n't lived south of the river for nearly five years and that had been further over in Southwark until a small matter of an exploding terrace house had persuaded me to go flat-hunting .
29 Tailors in 1814 were very much on a level in terms of real wages with 1795 , but in the intervening years had been significantly down on that level in eight years , and very seriously below it in 1800 and 1801 when their weekly wage would buy only half the quantity of bread it had purchased from 1777 to 1795 .
30 Though the marker stone had been half out of water when I started to run , the whole barrage of banked stones , with the causeway atop , was suddenly aswirl and , as I raced for the crossing , the level seemed to rise a foot or more .
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