Example sentences of "[verb] [been] [prep] his [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And if any of his fans still needed convincing , they had only to look into the happy , laughing face of his adoring wife Jean , at his side as she has been since his horrific car accident nearly three months ago .
2 Strach has been on his last legs for the past 2 seasons and while he still produces high quality performances more often than not he is looking more tired with each game he plays , not suprising for someone of his age .
3 Eubank has been at his best when right up against it and facing defeat , especially in the battle with Nigel Benn that first gave him the world middleweight title and then when he climbed off the floor in the second , tragic contest with Michael Watson .
4 The prisoner has been at his own trial and he already knows , or has had access to , all the evidence and all that was said .
5 Those who have worked with him during the time that he has been in his present post have come to admire the hard work , courage and assiduity with which he has pursued the object of bringing the parties within the island of Ireland to sit down with the British Government and resolve their differences .
6 He was beginning to get a bit homesick since they 'd stopped travelling and he 'd been on his own .
7 The Membership List revealed he 'd been in his present parish for six years , was unmarried , had written a book , The Railways of Norfolk , 1890 to 1940 , published by Jarrolds , and was , in addition to being Vicar of St Clements Bestwick , chaplain to the Sisters of St Sylvester , East Soken , near Diss .
8 He 'd been in his vigorous prime then , all right .
9 He had expected that any change in his routine would have been of his own making , not hers .
10 The waiter says this man used to live here until 15 years ago , and the bright boats bobbing on the undulating water of the main harbour would have been at his front door .
11 The Liverpool manager should have been with his goal-starved squad when they flew to Cyprus for an important cup match tonight .
12 If ever Joseph felt King of Spain it must have been on his triumphal progress in Andalusia .
13 If he was Sorrel 's father , then he must have been around his mid-forties at least , but he 'd worn well .
14 In this case , Aldfrith would have been in his early fifties when he became king , yet his marriage to Cuthburh , sister of Ine , king of the West Saxons ( ASC A , s.a 718 ) ( unlikely to have occurred earlier ) , and his subsequent fathering of Osred , born c .
15 John Wildig is a research agriculturalist and a life-long railway enthusiast who would have been in his late teens during the period of the Beeching closures .
16 John Wildig is a research agriculturalist and a life-long railway enthusiast who would have been in his late teens during the period of the Beeching closures .
17 Well it must be ten years ago when he worked for the B B C and that , he must have been in his late twenties then
18 I am not sure what Harold Brodkey may have been in his last incarnation , but he has now reached that most enviable of all earthly states , that of the American cult writer .
19 He may have been in his forties and driving either a grey , silver or light metallic-coloured car .
20 If his father had lived he would now have been in his sixtieth year .
21 On the particular afternoon to which I am referring , his lordship would still have been in his mid-fifties ; but as I recall , his hair had greyed entirely and his tall slender figure already bore signs of the stoop that was to become so pronounced in his last years .
22 What a far cry this must have been from his younger days in the priesthood .
23 He was survived by his widow and seven sons and five daughters , some of whom may have been from his previous marriage .
24 Howard is relieved and pleased that his younger self could pass such a test ; to have been in his own company for fifteen minutes or more , and to have been so opaque and convincing that he 'd seemed to be like anyone else .
25 If he had been on his own he would have gone straight up but he was more used to walking and climbing , no doubt , than these policemen .
26 Mike came down yesterday morning , mind you he had been on his own quite a lot , a lot of time yesterday for the day Josh , cos I went to Altrincham with me mum at half nine and it , I 'd taken him out for a walk to make sure he 'd had his walk and Mike did n't get up till gone half two and when he come down he 'd cut a report of Lisa 's on the floor
27 Erlich had been on his last months in Washington when he had read the lesson , digested it , that safe folks crossed the road from danger , and did n't mind who they turned their backs on .
28 The outcome showed both how near and how far Bohr had been with his improvising stab at reality .
29 Madeleine 's second visit had been before his long slide into melancholy .
30 He had never been a party-goer and it had been against his better judgement that they agreed to join Ibn Fayoud 's party .
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