Example sentences of "[verb] [been] [verb] their [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He grew up among poor people , and he has been called their poet .
2 For those not au fait with the aims of the Dick-Nixs , they 're an LA band whose purpose in life has been to see their namesake Tricky Dicky re-instated to his true position in life .
3 His achievement has been to turn their jobs into achievement opportunities for making profit .
4 The university 's smart answer has been to withhold their degrees , but a law student is currently taking them to court , claiming violation of his rights .
5 Mr Tavernor has been fighting their case for more than forty years .
6 It is true that the recession has been putting their customers out of business , but accountants will always be kept busy picking up the pieces , or explaining in long reports why other accountancy firms got it wrong and are liable for a fortune in damages .
7 And it is important , for an understanding of Janey 's changing attitude to the boys , to know that she has been told their story .
8 They 've been the guests of a charity in Worcestershire , and Central News has been following their progress … for a special programme to be shown this weekend .
9 They 've been the guests of a charity in Worcestershire , and Central News has been following their progress … for a special programme to be shown this weekend .
10 sending their mail to erm Body Shop er , they 'd been grooming their nails because they 've heard that the Body shops , in the paper the other day erm are paying ten pounds per nail if your nail 's an inch long , you know , so you cut this talon off if it 's an inch long and they had loads and loads of them sent in envelopes or people just ringing up and asking can we send our nail , ten pound a nail and they said , where the rumour started from these people had heard that because they do n't do erm experiments on animals any more they 're using nails to do experiments , the nail polish and that
11 He 'd watch them quietly ; and he often told me how he had a good idea where they 'd been taking their honey : if they came to their hives low , they 'd most likely have come off a field of clover .
12 When the judge called the jury back this afternoon they 'd been considering their verdict for one and a half days .
13 Summing up the case against 24 year old Shaun Gooch and 22 year old Anthony Gallagher the Prosecution at Gloucester Crown Court suggested to the jury that there was sufficient evidence to prove that on September 13th last year , they 'd been racing their cars along Akers Way in Swindon .
14 I bus-hopped back to Hackney , feeling a bit of a prune sitting there in my suit in between a gaggle of wrinklies who 'd been blowing their pensions down the supermarket .
15 He argued that teenagers were wasting their opportunities at Dovercourt , keeping the futile hope alive that they would be adopted by rich families and lead a fine life , when they could have been using their time to constructive purpose .
16 Americans from the US and the same background would have been emphasising their masculinity by drinking large rums and making too much noise .
17 Well , both of them should have been wearing their life jackets before they were over water , and X should not have stowed the dinghy in the locker area when he could have kept it closer to hand on one of the spare rear seats .
18 Because i in , in theory presumably they s they should n't have been abusing their position , they should n't be gaining more because the whole point was to do it for the masses particularly , I mean if you were a Party cadre erm you should n't be getting more out of it than anybody else .
19 Birmingham fans could n't believe it … the Swindon fans must have been rubbing their eyes too … ion the last minute Mitchell raced away for his hat-trick … they think it 's all over it was then … 6-4 … to Swindon … what a scorcher …
20 For this reason alone , there was no reason why individuals should have been pressing their case to be personally excluded from repatriation .
21 SINCE January , when invitations for the Masters were received , those lucky and talented enough to compete at Augusta will have been fine-tuning their games to suit one of the world 's most demanding courses .
22 All this time Mr Rayne on one side of the staircase and Mr Worseley on the other , each with half a dozen men , should have been fighting their way back to converge with his own party in the hall .
23 I was amazed to realise that some of them had been using their machines for five years and had no idea of the machines capabilities because all the instructions are written in either English , Spanish or Japanese ; nothing in Thai .
24 We had agreed at the start of this thing that pressing the Harwich local council for housing would probably be more trouble than it was worth : if one of their inspectors had decided to check my circumstances with the port authorities , the customs people would inevitably have found out about the way in which I had been using their cupboard ( and would have had a pink fit , probably ) .
25 Next year the British candidate gained the throne of the Carnatic ; the directors of the French Company decided that Dupleix had been wasting their shareholders ' money , and in 1754 they recalled him , which must at the time have struck everybody as a prudent step to keep expenses down .
26 This was thought by trade unionists to be inconsistent with the leading decision of ten years before which had protected employers ' associations from conspiracy on the ground that the acts had been done ‘ with the lawful object of protecting and extending their trade and increasing their profits ’ without employing unlawful means , although the consequence had been to injure their competitors .
27 If the fans had been given their choice , Mel Machin , then at Manchester City , would have been offered the job .
28 The great man had stated that , apart from some very early examples , the towns had been given their defences by Hadrian ( c .
29 Those inside had been given their instructions .
30 Then earlier this year the group received a reply from another prisoner at Shalla who had been given their letter to Bashir by mistake .
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