Example sentences of "[verb] [been] [verb] all [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But already the decision has been given all party support in the House of Lords .
2 And McDonald 's UK president , Paul Preston , said : ‘ The restaurant has been packed all morning .
3 I believe generally good teams are built around a strong defence and this has been lacking all season .
4 She rings the same number she has been trying all day .
5 The Government needs to find extra money from somewhere and has been considering all sorts of options .
6 The procedure adopted has been to allow all models to have six degrees of freedom with respect to their adjoining member .
7 The fine drizzle that has been falling all afternoon has not been enough to stop the match between Scotland and Ireland , but enough to keep the crowds away .
8 He has been pursued all year by race fan Newman and his Chicago business partner Carl Haas .
9 For this up-dated version of the Romeo and Juliet story , producer Michael Poynor has assembled a large , youthful cast which has been rehearsing all summer .
10 In fact the night he died , the Saturday , we 'd been fishing all day , just the two of us .
11 Mrs Abigail , similarly affected , believed that what she 'd been dreading all day had now come about : the parents of some child had arrived at the bungalow .
12 In ‘ Downtown Beirut ’ , the boozery next door to the infamous ‘ Village Idiot ’ on 10th St. , ( where two Pogues ' albums continually rotate on the juke box ) , a dastardly plan was hatched to kidnap Strummer from out of the ‘ Seven B ’ bar , where he 'd been drinking all week , and substitute him onstage with Joe Hurley .
13 He 'd been screwing all day and he 'd walk into the camp fucking going
14 I 'd been to work all day and I 'd been and been running sheets off all night .
15 They were large as life recreations from the EA Hockey game I 'd been playing all week .
16 ‘ We 'd been walking all day , brushing through great webs of giant spiders , and at one stage I looked back at Adrian Arbin , who I was with , and it was like a horror film — his face was running with blood , blood running into his eyes , down his neck , staining his shirt .
17 She must have been straining all day .
18 ‘ We ca n't have been running all day .
19 ‘ Then I catch up with what I should have been doing all day .
20 The Yorkshire Television switchboard in Leeds with its myriad lines had been jammed all day with calls about Hannah .
21 But birthday boy Wright was waiting to break the deadlock with the goal he had been seeking all night .
22 Sir Stafford had been searching all night and finally came so close that he heard the child crying :
23 A YORKSHIRE terrier saved a dying pensioner after police tracker dogs had been searching all night .
24 Durrant , such an influence when they overcame Leeds in the previous round , had been struggling all night as the makeshift partner for Mark Hateley , in the absence of the injured Ally McCoist .
25 He had been drinking all day with Slatter on 3 April , they had consumed some fourteen or fifteen quarts of ale , they had entered the Chequers , where they had been involved in an argument with two large men he now knew to be Hewett and Charlton .
26 The pair had been drinking all day and Jones downed more than 10 pints , while Miss Smith , 29 , drank six or seven pints of cider , Nottingham Crown Court was told yesterday .
27 A STABLE lad who had been drinking all day took a colleague 's car and smashed it through a wall .
28 Work colleague Melvyn Robinson of Bouch Street , Shildon , said he believed Mr Hughes had been drinking all afternoon .
29 He had been drinking all night long , beer and whisky .
30 Then Corporal Auriega , a fat Spaniard who sweated all the time , arrived back from town where he had been drinking all evening with his friends .
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