Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] over [pron] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She tried to look over her shoulder , to see the face of the driver , to mouth some kind of warning to him but she could see nothing .
2 He said , ‘ What ? ’ and tried to look over his shoulder , as if not sure who was there .
3 Farag tried to look over his shoulder .
4 If a woman has lived with a man for over fifty years , why should she be expected to get over his death in a week ?
5 Who just want to take over your mind and not let you think for yourself .
6 Jangling her keys more like a jailer than an attendant , she went to gaze out of a narrow window at what could be seen of the prosperous modern city , returning to peer over my shoulder and sniff .
7 In fact , as the great challenge of the conference drew nearer , an astonishing change seemed to come over my father .
8 Destined to take over his father 's cattle station , he quickly defected and headed for Point Cook — the RAAF " Cranwell " — but not before several obstacles , which might have deterred many a lesser lad , had been overcome .
9 José Cespedes Zarza was sworn in as Commander of the Air Force on Nov. 20 in succession to Gen. Dionisio Cabello , who was reported to be under arrest for refusing to hand over his post .
10 And he picked the paper up , not at first to read it , preferring to look over its top at a bustling McAllister instead .
11 Holly finding that his packet had not been taken , retrieving it , hurrying away , and frightened to look over his shoulder and check whether he was under surveillance .
12 Merrill did n't hear the rest as he hurried away , before half turning to fling over his shoulder , apparently as an afterthought , ‘ Three minutes , Miss Stanton , and I 'll be with you . ’
13 Rostov wondered how long the conversation was going to continue over his head .
14 She half turned to look over her shoulder ; when he followed her gaze , he saw that Sophie was standing in the doorway .
15 He turned to look over his shoulder .
16 ‘ I 've got to look over my shoulder , because there 's always somebody that says ‘ Well , why did n't you take a stat sample ? ’
17 Sometimes these hills , the plunging northern escarpment of the North York Moors , seem to hang over my village , two miles away .
18 And before very long you found yourself involved with a project which looked as if it was actually going to take over your life .
19 ‘ I felt pretty much the same , ’ she explained as his lips began to run over her forehead .
20 He was unshaven , and his stomach was beginning to protrude over his belt , but there were still traces of the fine , athletic figure and well-cut features that she had married seven years ago .
21 The car purred onwards , moving easily through the traffic , and eventually a light frown began to settle over her face .
22 His gaze left her face and began to roam over her figure , and her nerve gave out entirely .
23 The job began to take over my life , and my first marriage ended in divorce .
24 According to close friends , Green issues were beginning to take over her life in a very big way .
25 The pain and torment were beginning to take over my life .
26 ‘ I 'd begun to wonder if anything would work — it was beginning to take over my life .
27 ‘ Do you wish to come over my face , or shall I swallow your semen , M'sieur ? ’
28 ‘ And I am conscious — you do n't have to talk over my head . ’
29 One is the practical one of providing a separate part for the harpsichordist so that the two instrumentalists would not have to look over her shoulder .
30 The company now has the muscle to dominate its industry , without having to look over its shoulder at anti-cartel officials in Brussels .
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