Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] me [prep] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 and I 'm certainly wearing paint tonight , quite a bit of it because its very hot under here and you would n't want to see me without it , but that 's me saying that , I mean why do I ? , why do I ? , why are we all wearing make-up ? , do we actually think we look better ? , are we trying to disguise something ? , yes
2 I shall carry on using the term regardless , and any hairy man who wants to challenge me about it is welcome to a wrestle .
3 The bastard tried to pay me for it , the only way he could get excited was by the thought of buying me .
4 But a mathematician should be taught to try to take me with him , so that I may have some appreciation of what he is doing , and why he enjoys doing it .
5 ‘ Are you embarrassed to tell me about it ? ’
6 ‘ And you want to tell me about them ? ’
7 Want to tell me about it ? ’
8 Want to tell me about it ? ’
9 ‘ No matter what he says or does , no matter what happens to force me towards him — I 'd die rather than marry Damian Flint ! ’
10 ‘ It was because you 're refusing to take me with you tomorrow .
11 ‘ What if my lord fitzAlan refuses to take me with him ? ’ she managed to say quite steadily .
12 ‘ He 's going to leave me for you ?
13 ‘ I 've promised to take Claudia away for the weekend , and she 's not going to let me off it even though we 're so shorthanded .
14 Always before he had only had to touch me for me to be ready for the final act which we 'd always denied ourselves ; there was no reason to suppose that would n't happen again .
15 ‘ He telephoned to tell me about it … he was very angry when he saw you with that book and I could tell that he had said things he should not have said . ’
16 Would you like to tell me about it ? ’
17 He began to tell me about it .
18 ‘ You 'll have to mark me against him , ’ he said .
19 I was proud of my achievement — I had managed something that my mistress had not — I was pregnant with Abraham 's heir , and Sarah started to hate me for it .
20 You 'll have to take me with you , Inquisitor Draco .
21 They might try to tell me about it . ’
22 He grabbed the crowbar and went to hit me with it .
23 You try to separate me from her in any way and I 'll do murder .
24 Somehow Alec Davidson had contrived to beat me to it .
25 Then , with a furious hiss as she saw my gaze drop and become a stare , she whirled to present me with her back .
26 Being subjected to volleys of ‘ Cheer up , grandad , it may never happen , ’ was not calculated to endear me to them .
27 Yes , I 'll come on that romantic stroll with you and watch the sunset as we did in Seville and I 'll remind you of it , just as you intend to remind me of it , and I 'll go with you all of the cruel way , Fernando , and when it 's all over I hope it gives you the satisfaction you crave . ’
28 Mrs Browning likes to have me with her now , no other person will do , and we talk of the old days and Miss Henrietta slipping off to Regent 's Park to walk with Mr Surtees Cook and the squeezes she loved to hold in Wimpole Street when her father was away .
29 ‘ This guy you 're obviously so mad at you do n't want to tell me about him . ’
30 Do you want to tell me about it ?
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