Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] out [subord] it " in BNC.

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1 I did not want to find out if it was friendly .
2 As I changed from listening to walking mode , I tried to work out whether it had feet or flippers or ran on rollers .
3 We might for example want to find out if it 's freezing outside without going outside to feel directly how cold it is .
4 For many of us it was a huge disappointment ; a paradox , too , that a people who had proved themselves historically and geographically over and over again , who had shown a rare talent for managing the affairs of other people , should choose to chicken out when it came to managing their own .
5 Erm , the kid 's got to figure out if it 's going to use that to project the other sentences then it might come across it 's got to , it 's got ta decompose that into structure .
6 No on really knows how a wine is going to turn out until it is bottled — even then , claret 's development is notoriously fickle .
7 But insurers have agreed to pay out if it is discovered in future that procedures which would now be classified as benign are found to cause environmental damage .
8 With such a commitment , McDonnell-Douglas may then decide to pull out if it concludes that the industry is not big enough for three profitable producers .
9 Then sit back , relax , and just take it easy , you wo n't have to go out when it 's all wet and breezy .
10 You can try to work out whether it is autobiography or murder mystery and how it works within these genre classifications .
11 Mankind will lose out in the long run if wild varieties of crop plant species are allowed to die out as it will mean that
12 It was Ashley Watt 's treat , of course ; I still could n't afford to eat out unless it was in the street and out of a paper poke .
13 That one is deliberately being allowed to dry out because it 's got to be re-coopered cos it never worked properly .
14 I am trying to find out if it was ED611 or RF141 that was involved in the Woodbridge incident ?
15 New friendship does not come easy to me , I feel compelled to play it rough at first — your idealism , for example , I had to find out whether it was capable of standing up ; testing and teasing , for me , are a kind of initiation —
16 You 'll spend the first couple of hours with ‘ Power Missy ’ trying to work out whether it 's a tease or a threat and then , just when you decide you really ca n't decide whether they 're all Polly Harvey bolshie or Sundays pliant , it may dawn on you that ‘ PM ’ is , in fact , f—ing scary , like playing S&M games with a dangerous schizophrenic .
17 She reached out and turned the clock towards her , blinking at the small ornate face , attempting to focus on the figures , trying to work out if it was twenty past twelve or twenty past one , finally deciding it was the earlier hour .
18 and er I 'm just trying to work out if it 's the same style as this .
19 At the end we er , of the day I had to opt out because it was n't possible for me to fit in and someone else a , I 'm just thinking of the time taken for er , er housing manager or one of his er , staff to erm er , you know , to do that practical thing that 's all
20 I was saying , I do n't think it 's true at all , but erm , I do n't know , I 'm trying to figure out whether it 's actually true or not .
21 Choose one of the shops and list the questions you would ask if you wanted to find out whether it was needed in your area .
22 ‘ We have to find out where it went . ’
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