Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] [coord] i [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 I have been puzzling to establish and I have failed , whether on the fourteenth of January nineteen eighty seven when the Secretary of State wrote the notice of approval , which in confirms his view that forty three per hectare is right , whether the use classes order had then been amended .
2 ‘ I 'll be honest with you , I did n't want to come but I 've got no choice . ’
3 She was the first dog that I got to know and I 've been a sucker for them ever since .
4 I want to know and I want to help make it happen . ’
5 ‘ If the shopkeeper wants to sell and I want buy , what business is it of anyone else ? ’
6 ‘ Pears wants to play and I have to bear that in mind . ’
7 So he has control over what he wants to hear and I have my own mixer on stage .
8 I want to see er the this rubbish dump but this is n't the time to do it and as the Conservatives said , we should wait on er to see what the Council er wants to do and I take that on board .
9 Yet for all this , more co-ordinated machinery still has to emerge and I confess to experiencing a certain sour taste of insincerity when I hear educational leaders talking about promoting a relevant and dynamic curriculum for primary schools , yet notice that they are hastening most slowly in providing the assessment policy needed to enable this to happen .
10 I want to live and I want my children to get an education .
11 Of this lot I feel McCallen can just about win the race — or at least one of the Superbike classes — but Fogarty is obviously the man everyone has to beat and I feel he will not go away empty-handed .
12 My wife wants to move but I want to stay here .
13 ‘ This is something all local authorities are expected to undertake but I believe Clackmannan are ahead of the field in this respect . ’
14 I 'd like to take that on board and review the situation that we give , given a predicament still therefore a purpose and I hear what Mr has to say and I look at that particular pelican crossing myself , and respect the
15 He had a very well-developed but dry sense of humour which I often tried to copy and I think that is why people used to say I was like him .
16 My hand seemed to explode and I think I must have screamed .
17 See , Sue has n't come back to me , the science department has n't come to me so I 'm not , I may leave that and say , and do something like that next year in a module or wait until I 've finished again I do n't mind , that 's still something in my mind which I would like to do but because talking to the form tutor 's , what I had written down as a fait a complet erm they 're not too keen so therefore I opened up and say you know , which particular things they were interested in the banking one they are very interested in the environment one , yes , within the school tidy upping area that they would like to do but I 've got ta be able to , and I do n't when planting season is or if I wan na put , be able to put flowers in etcetera , you see what I mean ?
18 And I think what the Council 's got to do and I think what the what the what the theatre perhaps has to do is only make that leisure card more easily acceptable and available and also look upon the reductions that we give but that perhaps is a way of actually rewarding the people in Harlow to use the theatre and the contribution in actually paying for it at the expense of the people coming in from outside who perhaps do n't pay anything towards the expense of the theatre .
19 ‘ Well , thank you very much for your expert opinion , but that ‘ death trap ’ , as you call it , is the only vehicle I happen to possess and I need it mended pretty quickly .
20 I mean I ca n't get my hands covered with flour and egg and stuff if he 's going to cry and I 've got to pick him up , can I ?
21 Whatever arrives , but you just do n't know what your going to get , no , it 's flown in er trying to think it comes in four days a week by air , it 's selling at a good price but you do n't know what your going to get and I mean , you could n't , you could n't risk using it somewhere like this , so , it , the chances of selling it .
22 Er the point I was making to her was erm in her paper which er was excellent by the way , I forgot to say and I think you put it all very clearly and very nicely , y you , you very nicely set out the basic idea that the consequence and that in principle a male need contribute nothing more than his penis .
23 I have to confess that I had not anticipated the direction that your inquiries were going to take and I feel that my immediate responses were fragmented and unhelpful .
24 There is one final point I would like to make and I know that many people may not accept it , but I think there will not be any significant improvement here while violence persists .
25 Such evidence is now beginning to appear and I believe that my hon. Friends and I will be proved to have been right all along in our predictions of the effect of the student loan scheme .
26 The sanctions really are beginning to bite and I wonder if Saddam feels that er he may be able to ask a favour or two from the West , in return for the release of these three British men .
27 The door began to close and I put out a hand to stop it .
28 Would be a , be quite a few calls , but we 'll just maybe have to try and I do n't know what we 'll do .
29 but y I ca n't I have to say and I know right ca n't give her what she wants is somebody to sit down somebody to sit her down and talk to her and you ca n't give her the benefit of that because it 's a little battle right between the two silly little girls if you like and if that j if that happens had won right and that 's the way will feel it
30 You can knit to shape but I do prefer a modified ‘ cut and sew ’ technique .
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