Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] [adj] we [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But Des points out that everybody else on this road is running anyway , and if we want to stay unnoticed we 'd better do the same .
2 ‘ The fishery has been here for over 400 years , so we want to make sure we maintain it for future generations , ’ said Mr Horne .
3 And would you also please make sure you give your name at the time you speak and who you represent because the the the matter is being recorded and we want to make sure we know who has said what at what time .
4 ‘ There will be a great variety but over the day some carols may be repeated because we want to make sure we have enough truly popular ones so people can sing along and raise the roof . ’
5 I just want to make sure we have the money now .
6 Not wanting to appear rude we ploughed our way through a bucket between us and then left while we could still walk .
7 Waiting to go onstage we watch The Buddy Holly Story in a sub zero air-conditioned lounge .
8 We 've got to make sure we get up into the Premier Division first . ’
9 ‘ I simply have n't got time to spend hours slaving over a hot stove — I 'd rather be out playing with the children or getting out and about , but I do try to make sure we eat well . ’
10 When we 're in Tesco 's we 'll have to make sure we 've bought the ingredients for all these biscuits we 're gon na be making for the rest of the
11 We 'll have to make sure we get a bottle of sherry in for Christmas Geoff .
12 ‘ We are going to practise to make sure we know what we are doing , ’ she said .
13 They know how to have a good time and try to make sure we do but they remain resolutely , ‘ pub-rockers ’ .
14 He cycled 70 miles in bad weather and gale force winds to make certain we reached our next game on time . ’
15 Somebody 's trying to make sure we blame the Sardinians . ’
16 We were using it for drunk driving offenders and repeat traffic offenders , not so much because I felt they were the only people who were appropriate for it , but because we wanted to make sure we started with a group who were not likely to get into major trouble should the project not work out .
17 We have to make sure we deserve to be second after 46 games .
18 We have to make sure we deserve to be second after 46 games .
19 ‘ I ca n't buy players but I have to make sure we keep the ones we have .
20 In creating a single market we have to make sure we give equal opportunities to everyone , and not just create a jamboree for the Japanese . ’
21 ‘ We have to take advantage of other countries ’ experiences to the greatest possible extent , ’ said Mr Vedernikov , ‘ but we have to make sure we do n't end up inventing the bicycle . ’
22 We have to make sure we do n't fall flat on our faces after a great win at West Brom .
23 ‘ We have to make sure we do not starve of help clients with a lower level of need because people with a higher level of need are getting the resources ’ .
24 We need to make sure we put together businesslike , competitive proposals for the in-house delivery of our services .
25 At the same time , we need to make sure we respect people 's desire to have a few moments quietness immediately before and after worship .
26 But clearly we 've got the charter commitments and we need to make sure we fulfil those .
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