Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] [prep] [det] the " in BNC.

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1 That was a major understatement , but she did n't want to go into all the details right now , especially with Julius standing right beside her .
2 So I do n't want to go through all the things that are the same , I want to highlight the differences , and maybe it 'll help you in your mind to distinguish between the two products as regards examination and the questionnaire tomorrow .
3 but he , he 's at that age now where I could have another kid and look after it quite easily if I had one , but I do n't wan na go through , not the pregnancy , but I do n't want to go through all the babies and getting up in the night and , one that 'll come out six months old
4 If you do n't want to go to all the trouble of making curtains yourself , Rectella has a huge range of ready-made curtains and operates a made-to-measure service through its nationwide stockists .
5 This integrating process needs to go on all the time , whatever is happening or being studied .
6 thank you , well you know the three categories , now what about erm , er , I 'm very anxious to proceed today as far as we can , what about Mr er remind me erm reading with two and three er I 'm afraid I 've forgotten exactly what you , oh I know you wanted to know Mr , er before cross examine Mr you want to know about all the additions of the various brochures , is that right ?
7 Each member of the team in turn has to jump on all the lily leaves .
8 An MNP practising in England and Wales will need to comply with all the rules applying to solicitors in England and Wales , because both solicitors and their RFL partners will be directly subject to the rules .
9 Feminist psychology needs to deal with both the questions about the subject which traditional psychology is interested in , and the gender and other power relations which preoccupy feminists , but which traditional psychology neglects .
10 7 Measure the area exactly and scale it down for transfer to squared paper — a large scale would be 1.2 cm ( ½ in ) per 30 cm ( 12 in ) , but if you want to mark in all the plants in all the beds , it would have to be of the order of 5 cm/30 cm ( 2 in/12 in ) .
11 Alcohol Concern ( 1987 ) suggests that older people who have been regular drinkers may need to reduce by half the quantity of alcohol they consume .
12 You do not need to type in all the dates for yourself — the spreadsheet will do it for you .
13 Included in our work is an element of training of volunteers , to multiply the work , and to increase the number of those committed to change in all the churches .
14 The Labour Government also took the precaution of sending a special , private ‘ whip ’ or request to attend to all the 111 Labour ministers in both Houses .
15 Its sing-a-long chorus was tempered with a churning ending that seemed to stretch for half the song .
16 This was to be done by calculating the " critical load " of acid that each ecosystem could absorb without adverse effect , and then seeking to reduce by half the gap between that and the level of acid rain in 1980 , the base year for the calculations .
17 Sloosh twice a day after brushing to get to all the areas your toothbrush ca n't reach and make your mouth a fresh , clean , plaque-free zone .
18 He therefore failed to exercise at all the statutory discretion .
19 And if it does happen to you , how are you going to cope with all the household bills , which still have to be paid ?
20 She felt jubilant but apprehensive too , how was she going to cope with all the work ?
21 The reason for setting aside a through the request as researchers where we 're actually going to go through all the procedures , highlighting , the changes are and why .
22 I 'm not going to go into all the rules here but .
23 The way you manage to cope with all the problems that life with an elderly parent may present will depend not only upon their magnitude , or the help you receive from others , but also on your attitude towards them , and your determination to live life just a day at a time , thus breaking your stress up into smaller and more manageable ‘ sections ’ .
24 But while dealing with one of their biggest cases , the local branch of the RSPCA has still had to cope with all the day to day demands on their time .
25 Especially if you do n't realize that till you 've got , till you 've got home and you realize you 've got to go through all the hassle of going back to the shop to complain .
26 Erm in the early stages , I mean you 've got to go through all the ranks , you 've got to go through that physical side , even if you want to get on , there 's no direct promotion into the higher ranks so you 've got to go through it , every Chief Officer , every senior officer that you , you come across in the fire service , has started as a fireman and will start as a fireman on like er the forces where you get direct entry into the forces , you do n't get them in the Fire Service .
27 she 's going to write to all the personnel directors in the big firms in Bridgeborough … she 's going to have outside teachers for the commercial subjects … a lecturer on current affairs …
28 Understanding that the swings of mood are perfectly natural and that time is needed to work through all the stages helps the process .
29 You 've got to look at all the angles . ’
30 The Department of the Environment has calculated that , by the year 2001 , two million extra houses will have to be built , 570,000 of those in the southeast , which has had to fit in half the population growth of England and Wales .
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