Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] you [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I was phoning to thank you for getting me out of police headquarters . ’
2 ‘ Nurse Shelley , I want to thank you for caring for me , ’ said the old lady .
3 I am glad to hear of your intended marriage with Ellen Nicholl , and , as I promised to assist you at starting , I am happy to tell you that I will pay to you one hundred and fifty pounds yearly during my life , and until your annual income derived from your profession of a Chancery barrister shall amount to six hundred guineas , of which your own admission will be the only evidence that I shall receive or require .
4 Instead , it is designed to assist you in considering how charts and diagrams can make the presentation of data more interesting and informative .
5 There is , however , no harm at all in professional hypnotic cassettes , which are designed to assist you in overcoming a specific problem where regression is not needed — smoking , studying , pre-menstrual tension and so on .
6 The activity which follows is designed to assist you in doing this .
7 It had puzzled me originally , but after a quick word with Glyn as you came into the offices I now see he wants to pressurise you into following his wishes and signing the house over . ’
8 To what extent do they appear to preclude you from making use of the skills and knowledge that you have acquired and competing with the people for whom you used to work .
9 I would like to thank you for helping my case by removing the names of my coauthors — Jim Bull and Robert Paxton — from the article ‘ Why some insects look pretty nasty ’ ( 6 January , p 26 ) .
10 " I 'd like to thank you for stopping by .
11 ‘ I 'd like to thank you for coming . ’
12 I would like to thank you for coming into the studio today , and I 'm sure we 'll receive a lot of letters from our listeners about what 's been said .
13 I 'd like to thank you for agreeing to do this . ’
14 I would like to thank you for interviewing Jim Marshall on the thirtieth anniversary of the company which bears his name .
15 And , if you 're travelling solo , no one 's going to compensate you for having to change your plans at the last minute .
16 I said , ‘ I 've got to summons you for driving amongst children . ’
17 Now , what I 'd like to do , I mean it 's only sun shining out there so you 'd only be wasting your time anyway , I 'd like to consult you about moving on and getting in the next four motions on union organization .
18 Let the latter realize that virtually nothing is going to deflect you from reaching your agreed objectives .
19 Now , having started in that light , I may be going to disappoint you by saying that I 'm not in fact going to spend the next erm fifty minutes or so talking about the moral , political , philosophical implications of Darwinism .
20 The nice one — who was a dead ringer for the compère in Hi-Di-Hi — came in and said , Well Glen , we 've thought about it , we 're not going to charge you with handling stolen goods .
21 I 'm not going to please you by doing that .
22 I 'm not a good speaker so I 'm not going to bore you by making a long speech .
23 Appropriate sociability means saying the right things to strike up a rapport with your client , helping them to relax , feel comfortable and get to know you before cutting the business .
24 Finally , I would wish to thank you for publicising the efforts being made by peace and reconciliation groups in Craigavon , and Northern Ireland generally ; and trust you will continue to do so .
25 Unfortunately it is becoming more and more difficult to avoid things like direct debits , particularly if you are dealing with insurance companies who , on the whole , prefer this form of payment , and will try to coerce you into doing it .
26 I just said I 'd try to talk you into accepting what he 's decreed .
27 Lots of useful design functions are also provided to assist you in creating your stitch patterns .
28 If you 're gon na do it like that we 're gon na have to stop you from doing it .
29 I mean we 're all , I 'm sure , basically family with what Darwin 's theory of evolution is , and I do n't really want to labour you by reminding you of it , but I think it 's important to appreciate first of all what his problem was erm and I think that it 's fair to say that for Darwin the problem was that as a naturalist he was aware of the fact that animals and plants are adapted to a quite extraordinary degree to their particular ways of life , and indeed many of his books on orchids and earthworms and so on have a great deal to say about the details of these adaptations .
30 ‘ And I do not intend to entertain you by dressing while you watch . ’
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